Destroyed Destiny (Crowne Point #4) (2024)


328 reviews363 followers

October 16, 2021

Destroyed Destiny (Crowne Point #4) (2) 9th Reread For The Year 2021

“So take me with you,” I breathed against his lips. “Let me walk down the dark road with you. If you don’t let me disappear, I won’t let you disappear either.”

5 "Little Lemon Drop" stars!!!

Unravelling the final part of Grayson and Storybook's story.

She's being abused from the man who claims to love her. The man who is her husband. The man whom she's not in love with. Her heart is with him

A man who claimed to be ruthless and bloodthirsty. The man whose married to another woman. A man whose now having a child not with his wife but her, his old maid. But his wife is keeping a secret. A secret that destroyed everything. A secret that could have changed everything.

Grayson, the ghost of Crowne Hall, has been chained to his bed to keep him restrained. True that he have a wife, a wife whom he used to love before everything changed and they got married, a wife whom he neglected, for his heart is still with her. His Snitch. His little maid. His little nun. His little wife.

For the outward world Grayson is a cruel man who neglects his wife and unborn child. An evil man whose having affair with a married maid.

To the outward world Story is a slu*tty woman, whose having a affair with two rich men. But only they know the truth. Only they know why fate has taken away their dignity.

But love always survive. Doesn't it?
When secrets starts to unravel Gray and Story might find themselves surprised. But the biggest problem is.....

Who has the fifth coin?

"Whenever I see your eyes , I’ll be able to speak to you. Let the world try to divide us. We'll always be connected.”

Wow!! Finally theee END!!!

This is one of the most complicated, twisted and darkest love stories I ever read. I know most of these tropes are normally the ones readers tend to avoid. But for the first time in life I found myself looking from their POV. Like, what it feels to be a mistress, why do they take up all the suffering.......I'm speechless to be honest.

This trilogy was so good, so raw, with emotions embedded to each word.....I know this story will always have a special place in my heart. It's so hard not to love this. True its long, f*cked up, painful contains cheating and many other tropes many don't like....but that's what make this book so unique.

This author is very talented and I would say brave for writing a book blended with tropes we hate. The writing was EXCELLENT. Her way of writing had be glued to this book from the start.

So take me with you,” I breathed against his lips. “Let me walk down the dark road with you. If you don’t let me disappear, I won’t let you disappear either.”
He crushed his lips against mine, groaning into my mouth. “I’ll build a kingdom for you, little wife.”
“I’ll blow up the world for you, Atlas.”

The characters were real. There were no fairy godmothers or dream come true. Just plain reality of people who go through these kind of things. There were no fakeness in them. They feel. I really love how they allow themselves to be weak, allow themselves to make mistakes.
Imperfect, raw character are my favorite.

I really loved Gray. Now please don't try to kill me but if I ever have to choose between Aaron Blackford and Grayson Crowne....I'll always choose Gray because he felt real. Imperfectly perfect. His reaction to her pregnancy........

I’ll be there for you, Snitch. I’ll hold your hair back. I’ll get you ice chips. Let you scream and hold my arm until you break the skin.

And damn his words. I'm actually crying. This was one hell of a ride. THIS STORY IS REAL!!! It felt real. I swear I could feel every emotion of every character. Pain, grief, shock, loss, love, excitement, ...........everything.

All I have to say is DO NOT judge this book for it's tropes. Because if you do, you are missing a lot. A story like this should not be missed.

I really love how in midst of all the f*cking war, death pain and labor the author manage to add some hilarious stuff too!! Gemma Crowne?? A midwife?? Who thought lmao.....The last part where the princess had to turn to a midwife was the best part in this book!

Gemma blinked her big, blue eyes at me. “I mean, what the hell do you think?”
“Of all the people I wanted to deliver my child, you, literally, are the last.”
“Gross, you’d rather have my mother? Or my grandfather?”
I grimaced. “Third to last.”
You’re having this baby. Now. Like…” Gemma looked at her phone, then lifted up my nightgown. “Like right f*cking now.”
She then did the same to Lottie’s. “Yikes. This is gross.”
I fisted sand and chucked it at her. “You suck at this!”
Top Ten Midwife Tricks You Didn’t Know—
“Is that f*cking YouTube?” I cried.
Gemma threw up her hands. “Am I supposed to do this without guidance?”
“Okay. YouTube says when I see a grayish sac…ew what? Oh, this is for a dog birth. Oh. Oh…”

(Can't wait for her story!!!)

The right book for f*cked up, bloodthirsty souls like mine...........


-Prince/ Maid
-Ex Drama
Note: HEA, this book contains violence and blood spill


Destroyed Destiny (Crowne Point #4) (3)

    5-stars genre-dark-rom reviews-written

Nat DB

12 reviews2 followers

December 3, 2020

Aaaaand... The End !

Okay, so... I won’t describe the charaters or the story for this book, because if you’re reading this you probably have read the 2 previous books already and you know what it’s about. You just want to know if it’s good right ? Maybe search for a spoiler or two... Nah ah ah ! Not here Missy ! I can just tell you that whatever you start you have to finish !

Me ? I don’t care about the other (bad) reviews, I loved those 3 books so much, loved the characters, their flaws, their strength, the drama, the angst... if I wanted to read something realistic I would grab Mother Theresa biography and I zzzzzzzzzzz... oops sorry, fell asleep there for a while ! This trilogy kept me awake and feeling so many emotions for so long, I was bruised, skinned, flayed alive... but so satisfied at the end ! Yeah, I’m kinda masoch*st, so what ?!

Thank you very much MCG for what you’ve put me through, anyway you just finished this crappy 2020 year with fireworks in my heart ! I haven’t loved a book so much in such a long time, you’ve just upgraded the level so much, every other book is gonna feel meh after this...
I’m so sad it’s over, I’ve closed THE book of the year. But hey, there’s more to come right ?! #Gremma YAY bring it on 2021 !


«Destroyed Destiny» everyone...
Well guys, here I am, still dying waiting for May 28th... and now I have to wait for October 27th to see if Story and Gray get their HEA ??????


Abstract ♥ Books

1,221 reviews1,672 followers

January 30, 2022

Destroyed Destiny (Crowne Point #4) (6)
Destroyed Destiny (Crowne Point #4) (7)


Destroyed Destiny (Crowne Point #4) (8)

Destroyed Destiny (Crowne Point #4) (9)

Destroyed Destiny (Crowne Point #4) (10) Whenever I see your eyes , I’ll be able to speak to you. Let the world try to divide us. We'll always be connected.”

This book is the CONCLUSION of Grayson and Story's Journey. It's an HEA.

It’s been almost 5 years since I have been reading books. Numerous standalones, trilogies and duets and I can assure you that none of them had an impact as big as this whole trilogy had on me. Grayson and Story’s Trilogy was hands down one of most epic reads of my whole life! It’s so rare that I come across a book that has the exact taste of things that I want. The whole trilogy had so much pain in it that I can’t even tell you people. I had my hand on my chest, trying to rub away the ache this book gave me. It’s that addictive sort of pain that keeps you hooked in the book and doesn’t let you go no matter how badly you want to! That is exactly what happened with me! I was sobbing by the end of this book because it was just too much. I am not a person who cries during books but there are a few things that push my buttons and this trilogy had that all in it and for that sole reason it has become one of my top reads of my whole LIFE!

The book is written in a Raw way with the most painful words and quotes and this author’s writing style forced me to highlight almost the whole book! The way Story and Grayson describe their feelings , their pain of not being able to be with each other was just too much for me. At the end of the first book , I remember how angry I was with grayson. Hell, I might have never cursed someone as much as I did with him. But in this book I just wanted it all to be over. The pain was too much and emotions were very high. I wanted them all to have their HEA because everyone knew how much they deserved it!

Destroyed Destiny (Crowne Point #4) (11) Someday, I will kiss you in the sun.” He entangled his hand in mine. “Someday, we will walk down these halls hand in hand.”

Pretty much from the start, I was begging myself to stop reading this book because it just hurt too much But I just couldn’t do it! Hell I couldn’t even take a break while reading. I have read a lot of book’s and none of them broke me as badly as this book did. This story is merciless and even though it has to be one of the most painful stories of all time , I bet that you’ll enjoy every word. One thing that I want to make clear is that this book is the CONCLUSION of Story and Grayson’s journey and is an HEA. It does NOT end on a CLIFFHANGER.

The book picks off from where the second book of Grayson and Story ended. The storyline was amazing and the twists and turns were some huge punches to me! The ending was everything I wanted and I was satisfied with it. It has been a long time coming and I am happy that every character finally got what they deserved! There were a few things that I wished happened a bit differently , especially for certain characters , but then a part of me knows that he was too far gone for that. I loved the way the author gave us those small glimpses of the upcoming books and I can’t wait for more from this world!! Story and Grayson had come a long way and now it was so tough for me to imagine them as they were in the starting of this trilogy. What started as a Bully story between a servant who stole a kiss from her master , a kiss that was meant for someone else, has now developed into so much more. There were a few new characters introduced and I am so excited for what the author has in store for them! The characters are amazing and I have no doubt that the author is gonna kill it in the upcoming books too. Many people said that this felt like a historical romance to me and I want to make it clear that was nothing like that. At Least not to me.

Destroyed Destiny (Crowne Point #4) (12)

If you are into Bully Romances with second chances then don’t hesitate to one click this one! This trilogy might have started as a bully romance one , but it turned into something so much more. If you want a book to absolutely break you apart and then piece you together all the while making you enjoy every minute , then read this book! If you are into MAJOR-CRUEL heroes and Innocent heroines who transform to become one of the most ruthless queens ever , then READ THIS BOOK!! Hell , I could state a million reasons for you to read this trilogy but no matter what , you HAVE TO READ THIS TRILOGY! I know I sound like a lunatic right now , but I really don’t want anyone to miss this trilogy. I can’t think of a single reason why anyone won’t like this series because it is ABSOLUTELY PERFECT. And please if you haven’t entered Crowne Point yet , then Now is the time to do so! Story and Grayson are gonna stay with me for a long time and I can’t wait for more from them in the future books of other characters!!

Destroyed Destiny (Crowne Point #4) (13)

Destroyed Destiny (Crowne Point #4) (14)
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    angst blackmail bully-romance

PP's Bookshelf

2,383 reviews371 followers

November 19, 2020

My heart is so full. Happiness. Tears. Angst. Heartache. Hope. Bliss. It is overflowing and overwhelmed. Mary Catherine Gebhard destroyed my soul and then put all the pieces together in Destroyed Destiny. This story is some extraordinary level of genius writing. This epic and surreal star crossed lovers romance broke me, wrecked me and left me speechless with this amazing ending.

Story Hale and Grayson Crowne come from two different world. Grayson is the golden prince of Crowne World and Story is the mere servant. But love doesn't know boundaries. And every wicked force is constantly trying to tear them apart and they have been successful. Temporarily. This fight is far from over. Blood, sweat and tears are coming and YOU ARE NOT READY!

This story made me an emotional mess. So much deception, lies, secrets and conspiracies were going on. And I almost couldn't see the end of the tunnel. With every victory, there was a thousand times worse loss. Crownes and De Lucs are corrupt, vile, vicious and power hungry persons and they are willing to go to any extent. Grayson, Story, Grayson's wife by force Lottie and her brother aka Story's so called tormentor West De Luc are tangled in this impossible web. But the author very cleverly put every puzzle piece together to give this story an incredible and fitting conclusion.

Well that means my heart was getting broken over and over and over. Grayson and Story's pain and heartbreak was brought alive so beautifully. The words were exquisite. This is the best Mary Catherine Gebhard has written. She was bleeding emotions in pages. The angst was crazy. Just insane. I don't know I was capable of feeling so much from a story. Grayson..oh my Grayson. He is the true king, the devil, the fallen prince, the dreamy lover, the gorgeous protector, the angry god, the wretched Atlas. And Story became his true queen. I absolutely thoroughly irrevocably love and adore this girl. She is strong and loving and everything. She went through unimaginable horrors but stood tall and took control of their destiny. They are true soulmates. The chemistry is INSANE. Also the author did the incredible job of creating two grey characters. I felt so much even for so called villains.

I fell in love with Grayson and Story's all consuming love that defied barriers, challenged their villains and came out victorious. I cheered for them. I cried and ached for them. Mary Catherine Gebhard has weaved an enticing and soul shattering tale of timeless love with her brilliant writing.

I reviewed an early copy voluntarily


530 reviews

November 25, 2020

So I told myself I was not going to read this... After the disgusting disaster that was the previous book, I just didn’t think I had it in me. But I had to complete the series and know how she tried to fix what she ruined in the last book. I will say I that she tried. But you just can’t undo her having sex with another guy in front of the hero, and then the hero jumping in to lick up the sloppy seconds. It’s just a line you can’t uncross. The author spent this book basically trying to give hints and explanations to maybe fix what she did wrong. There are enough subtle nods to the nastiness before to know that she read the bad reviews and wanted to try to “explain” her characters behavior. But you just can’t unring a bell. She ruined her book, series actually, it the only way to fix it is to just burn the last book or to have started this one with her waking up from a coma and having imagined it all. As much as I hate that crap plot line it would be a 1000% improvement over what she did.


197 reviews22 followers

November 26, 2020

Okaaay. I AM BEING DRAMATIC. So now for real. The only thing (correction: one of the many things) that DD will destroy is your perfect tan. Because when you start this book, you won't be able to put it down. You will lock yourself in a room. You won't sleep. You won't eat. You will question if a shower is really necessary that day and all the days after when you finish. Better order some pizza for your family...

All in all, I can confirm that Destroyed Destiny was indeed a light beach read. I laughed a lot. Swooned even more (West was so dreamy). No alcohol was needed! Even tissues weren't necessary. You are in for a beautiful walk in a park, guys!

Full review to-come.

I finished Destroyed Destiny days ago. Or more like the book finished ME. And quite frankly, I still don't know what to write in my review. Speak about being speechless.

This entire series is one bomb after another. And all is left are broken pieces of heart, frozen tears and the permanent emotional exhaustion.

All I can say is that Destroyed Destiny has been the beautiful conclusion you've been waiting for since the first stolen kiss. It surprised me. It made me smile and almost cry. It was EVERYTHING.



277 reviews1 follower

November 8, 2021

This book was a completely disheartening and disjointed read.

There is.. So many things to complain about this disjunct book. It was a constant back-and-forth, and an empty intrigue of sacrifice, over-description, and clumsy, simile metaphors. I have now regretted reading this book because fundamentally everything about it, was terrible.

The first book Stolen Soulmate was epic, one of a kind, and then Forbidden Fate happened and it was a dustbin fire. It just burst into flames. However, Destroyed Destiny had more wood to add to the bonfire.

I don't know what I just read, but it wasn't a well-written story. The plot was a continuous repetition of the same absurd and tired poetic prosy conversation that goes on and on. Oh wow, how long will Gray rehearsed “tell me your secret..." or things said a hundred times.. about rust on your heart.

Raise your hand if you have been personally the victim of this author's uninterrupted moment of angst where Gray and Story are alone and it is the same conversation several times over where they are about to be intimate and they are either interrupted or Gray walks away after he repeatedly says "tell me your secret" and Story says "I have"

And useless West throughout the book where he’s always vague, and always be reminded about this rape, by the way, because apparently it is still necessary to give the male antagonist characters the sexual assault of the female character trope to save face?

The romance between Grayson and Story had about as much of an effect on me as a mud on the bottom of one’s shoes—it was boring to remember that they're soul mates, but when he's constantly teasing her and she's begging for it, it gets so uninspiring.

As I continued to read, I realized that all that I had in hoping that this book would be redeemable disappeared because I had lost interest going deeper into the book.

I think that perhaps the writing style and the blandness of the characters prevented me from worrying one way or the other about all the characters in this book. The plot had to do with stupid coins and poetic flowery dialogue that makes absolutely no sense.

Honestly, this book was bad and it showed through the many useless pages of the horrible abuse the main female character suffered; mind you, while being pregnant as this was supposedly perpetrated as romance.

It certainly doesn't go out of its way to make the characters likable, because they never got the chance to show themselves in a more human like way. This is more of an anguished novel than a romantic one. And in the end, I didn't give a damn about those characters.

West was reduced to a weepy, begging and gloomy person. Lottie was another character who was thornless, lifeless and offered nothing for intrigue.

Grayson, what happened to this guy? Like his balls vanished in Forbidden Fate and they never came back.

And last but not least, Story, she was the source of all the trouble and was always a weak spirited, love struck girl who could not use common sense if she was knocked up in his head with it.

So many things are going on yet nothing is going on. Because we came back to the same tired conversation and it was like reading Shakespeare plays on a diet. This was a hot mess, a truly hot mess.

It was the most disappointing Finale I've read, and it caused me stomach ulcers.

    disappointing flowery-dialogue meh


188 reviews68 followers

November 25, 2020

Review Destroyed Destiny (��𝗿𝗼𝘄𝗻𝗲 𝗣𝗼𝗶𝗻𝘁, #𝟰) by Mary Catherine Gebhard✨
Destroyed Destiny (Crowne Point #4) (20)
𝗣𝗮𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗲, 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗴, 𝗛𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗣𝗼𝗶𝗴𝗻𝗮𝗻𝘁. 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝘆 𝘁𝗿𝘂𝗹𝘆 𝗶𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗽𝗲𝗿 𝗼𝗳 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘀𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗲𝗽𝗶𝗰 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗰𝗹𝘂𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗼 𝗚𝗿𝗮𝘆 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗦𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘆’𝘀 𝘁𝘂𝗺𝘂𝗹𝘁𝘂𝗼𝘂𝘀 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘆. I was so not ready to say goodbye to these two beautiful souls, Mary has created a world of which you can truly escape from reality and live a different life. She is so talented, this series is just a MUST read.
Destroyed Destiny picks up right where Forbidden Fate leaves off. We are immediately thrust into a world of the unknown just as Story is. She has no idea what to expect of her new fate, but she never loses hope that all will work out as it should. Story comes face to face with her past and struggles with her inner thoughts, what she once thought is now maybe not as it seems. With secrets coming to light and now an unexpected alliance and a baby on the way Gray and Story’s relationship is truly put to the test. Will they be able to survive? Or has their loved been doomed from the start?
“𝙄 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙝𝙤𝙧𝙧𝙞𝙗𝙡𝙮 𝙨𝙚𝙡𝙛𝙞𝙨𝙝. 𝙄 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙖𝙨𝙠 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙄 𝙙𝙤𝙣’𝙩 𝙙𝙚𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙚, 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 𝙄 𝙘𝙖𝙣’𝙩 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣 𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙧. 𝙄 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙩𝙤 𝙙𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙮 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙤𝙡𝙙 𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨. 𝙇𝙖𝙮 𝙘𝙡𝙖𝙞𝙢 𝙩𝙤 𝙢𝙮 𝙢𝙤𝙪𝙩𝙝, 𝙗𝙚𝙘𝙖𝙪𝙨𝙚 𝙞𝙩’𝙨 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨.“
Gray completely owns me. My heart absolutely bled for this broken, beautiful man and all he goes through to protect Story and their soon to be baby. But when you fight so hard for someone else do you eventually lose yourself in the process? With secrets unveiled and a finish you won’t see coming... hold on tight.
“𝙄 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙤𝙖𝙩 𝙧𝙖𝙬. 𝙄 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙞𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙝𝙪𝙧𝙩, 𝙨𝙤 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙖𝙠, 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙛𝙚𝙚𝙡 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙚𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙩𝙨 𝙮𝙤𝙪’𝙧𝙚 𝙠𝙚𝙚𝙥𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙢𝙚.“
Rating; 5🌟
Steam; 5🔥
𝘙𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘦𝘸 𝘰𝘯 𝘐𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘮|𝘎𝘰𝘰𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘴|𝘈𝘮𝘢𝘻𝘰𝘯♡
𝘈𝘙𝘊 𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘦𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘥 𝘪𝘯 𝘦𝘹𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘢𝘯 𝘩𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘦𝘸.

𝗙𝗼𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄 𝗠𝗲 𝗢𝗻:


302 reviews187 followers

October 21, 2021

i fell inlove with two men during the duration of my reading this book. and while i'm celebrating the win of one, i am grieving the loss of the other.

Destroyed Destiny (Crowne Point #4) (22)

“I’ll build a kingdom for you, little wife.”
“I’ll blow up the world for you, Atlas.”

This series completely broke me. The vibe is similar to Nikki Sloane's Filthy Rich Americans (1-3). So if you find that series addicting, you'll probably enjoy this too.

It means we love each other madly. It means we’re soulmates. It means we’re always on the same side, even when we’re not.

And this is why I don't read f*cking love triangles. Not that this book is one. But this is exactly why I hate love triangles!

[image error]

“I wanted to give you a perfect happily ever after, a perfect love, but you taught me that’s fantasy. What I want most—what I need—is you, us, this. So…will you love me imperfectly ever after? Ugly ever after? Sadly and hatefully and angrily ever after?”

Right now, I'm broken, I'm happy, I'm devastated, and I'm relieved.

You were inches away from me, but I missed you like you’d burned a cigarette hole in my heart. I always miss you. I would do anything for you, Grayson. Go anywhere for you. Be anyone. I’m powerless to you.”

“Haven’t you figured it out yet? You come first. You always come first. I don’t care if this entire house is about to collapse and you need a f*cking Twinkie. I’m getting you that f*cking Twinkie, Snitch.”

I love this series, I might've been annoyed by a few writing choices. Some of the conflicts were solved a little too conveniently. Nevertheless, this broke me. Five stars because I was wrecked. I love love love this!😭🥺

To love wholly, without limits, until death and beyond forever, our love must be riddled with mistakes.
Give me your imperfect love.
Everything else is just…fantasy.

Destroyed Destiny (Crowne Point #4) (23)

“I wanted to give you a perfect happily ever after, a perfect love, but you taught me that’s fantasy. What I want most—what I need—is you, us, this. So…will you love me imperfectly ever after? Ugly ever after? Sadly and hatefully and angrily ever after?”

Anyway, I send all my love to Dev ❤️ this was an amazing recommendation, babe. You knew my taste, and if it weren't for you these books would've never entered my mind. Thank youuu 😊😘

Ps, the arrangement of quotes doesn't make sense, I just love them so much. I can't not include them 😆 also, idk how I feel about Charlotte but I can't wait for her book lol["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>



650 reviews269 followers

November 28, 2020

3.5/4 stars...

Destroyed Destiny tested my limits in good ways and bad ways. I think I may be in the minority about this book, unfortunately. I was SO looking forward to and I just don't know. I didn't get what I wanted out of it. It started out slow and it felt like it went in circles for quite awhile. I didn't feel very committed to their story like I had been in previous books. I didn't love it. I didn't hate it. It just was. I am 100% glad I read it though. I needed closure and to see how two of my favorites would end their spell bounding saga.

I loved Gray and Story in the other books... but I wasn't very fond of Gray in this one. I didn't like how he continued to deny her over and over and over again.

I adored Story and felt she grew so much in this story. She found her own footing and shined. Wow, she had to be to endure her time with the Crowne family. West really grew on me though. I don't think he was as much a villain as he wanted others to think. I really, really liked him. Sigh.

Still looking forward to Grim and Gemma's story. That will be an interesting one.

    angsty read-in-2020


831 reviews1 follower

November 24, 2020

MCG finished this series with a MIC DROP! After reading Forbidden Fate, I was left heartbroken and anxious as to what would come of Gray & Story. I was honestly nervous to start this book, but I knew I had to trust that MCG would piece them back together as they should be...and that she did.

Without giving away much, I will say that it is everything I wanted it to be. Questions were answered, Gray & Story both grew and fought for what was rightfully theirs, and West & Lottie both played huge roles in their story - and my feelings for them transformed as the story unfolded. Every character's development was crucial to the outcome of Gray & Story, and Crowne Point.

Gray Crowne is the epitome of the broken yet passionate hero. I LOVE HIM! I fell hard for him in FF, and my love for him just kept growing in this book. His love for Story is endless and the way he fought for her brought tears to my eyes.

This book is written brilliantly with breadcrumbs dropped along the way, and flashbacks to the beginning of these 4 characters. You will be surprised, you will hurt, you will stand up and cheer, and you will shed tears of pain and joy. The way in which MCG ties up this epic love story is genius and the prose is beautiful. Bravo MC Gebhard! I am not ready to leave Crowne Point and can't wait for what's to come!



2,134 reviews4 followers

November 23, 2020

I was nervous going into this last book of Grayson and Story not because I had doubts on if it would be good or not, I knew it would be epic but I also knew it wasn’t going to be an easy road for them or us readers. As I sat down and devoured this book in one night I had to take a moment to gather my thoughts and emotions, again not because I didn’t like it, no it was because this book put me through the ringer with anticipation, curiosity of what would happen next, and trying to put myself in the character’s shoes. Story is trying to protect and help Grayson out by sacrificing herself so that he doesn’t lose anything that makes him who he is, but by doing so she is now in the clutches of someone she can’t trust and in situations she isn’t sure she will ever get out of. Their story seems like it will be a tragedy and I guess in some ways it is, but we hope for the best and what we get as readers is a journey of two souls that belong together and odds are stacked against them, yet through hopeless days and secretive nights they still cling to hope that the future will look brighter. I know this is vague but trust me the emotions I felt while reading not just this book but the whole series was well worth it because it is made to be felt and not explained. The story does pickup where the last left us and we follow not only the main characters but a few others journey on how they can overcome the odds, stand up for what they want, and hope for the best. There were a few times I wanted Story to just run back to Grayson and them set off in the sun but I knew that could never happen and there were times I was like “Grayson dude stop rubbing your lip with your pinky and do something!” I went through almost every emotion anyone can think of and that’s when I realized that this was an epic journey that not only the characters live through but also us readers and it’s amazing how an author can bring it all to life for us.

Shades of Rebecca

459 reviews65 followers

November 27, 2020


I'm not kidding you when I say that I need a therapy. This book - scratch that, THIS WHOLE SERIES - has slowly destroyed me with each line, then put me together just to break me again. Never ever has a book made me feel so much anxiety while reading it. Throwing kindle half across the room became a standard.

Destroyed Destiny is a whole new level of epicness with a brilliant plotting, amazing writing and characters I would personally either kill or kill for. I'm amazed. Just wow.

Five stars!

heareads (Debbie)

703 reviews56 followers

November 23, 2020

Overall Rating - ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️+

Ever since ‘Stolen Soulmate’ it’s the conclusion we have all been waiting for and I can confirm it’s one hell of a ride! There is no filler in this story, just non stop, heart pumping action from the get go!

We start right where ‘Forbidden Fate’ ended, with West and Story in Scotland, Story trying to figure a way out of the deal she made and desperately missing Grayson. Scotland is where she will be trained to learn the rules of being a mistress - to only speak when spoken to and to stay at the back, never the front, since she is no longer West’s wife, this is her new role.

When West and Story get back to Crowne Point, this is where the non-stop, mind-blowing action begins. There are secrets and lies, foul play and you will start to question everything. Beware, Mary has thrown in a few mouth drop moments that I’m still trying to get over.

It’s not an easy time for Story and Gray. They are forbidden to see and speak to each other but Gray will stop at nothing to get time with her.

Looking for the coins seems to be an impossible task, especially since teaming up with the enemy seems to be the only solution for them and they are ultimately fighting a battle they don’t know how to win.

Story, I love her so much. Her strength and her need to do what is best comes through, she’s no longer the quiet one, she fights and speaks up and her kindness and compassion for others regardless of their mistakes make me love her all the more.

Gray, he has my heart! Gray is the Gray we all love, although he’s been brought down by his Grandfather, his determination to find a solution never fails, even though the ultimate one is the biggest sacrifice he would ever make, all to save Story. He’s also the crazy possessive, dirty talking, all alpha that we know and love and will stop and nothing to make sure Story is safe and loved and I just melt every time he utters ‘Little wife’.

Let’s not forget about West and Lottie through all of this. Both of them have their own secrets and agendas. I’m still debating over West and his intentions but we get an Anti-Heroine of sorts in Lottie and although not fully redeemed I think most peoples opinions of her will change.

Mary just doesn’t give us Story, Gray, West and Lottie we also get some exciting new characters along with more Gemma which has only left me needing more of her - soon, please 🤞☺️.

I don’t want to say much about what you are going to read except how Mary builds on how unique the story is. I felt like I was under a spell, it’s an all-consuming angst fest, page turner read that had me on the edge of my seat many times.

I expected a lot from this book and it went way beyond that. It has been my most anticipated read, dying to see what would come next and I can’t wait for everyone to read this.

I have loved everything about this series and was on edge so many times. Mary’s words had my heart hurting, aching and so full of love! There are struggles and doubts but I can tell you this, you will love every nail-biting minute of it.

ARC received for an honest opinion.
Overall Ratings;⁣
POV - Dual
Hero - ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️+
Heroine - ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️+
Story - ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️+
Steam - ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Chemistry - ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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    angst arc book-boyfriend


152 reviews81 followers

September 13, 2021

And that's the End! ❤️
Right now I'm totally overwhelmed.
Angsty, twisted, forbidden, tears, hate and love relationships, friggin Royals all in one series..
At some point I really do feel frustrated by them but it is what it is..

I was trying to go slow with this book but I RTC..
And it was worth it.
Grayson crowne was one hell of jerk in first book (stolen soulmate) but I knew he'd come back to her snitch no matter what. Their story is just unique.

4.5 🔥🌟's

    5-star-fav8s-n-best-series-2021-onw 5-stars-fav8s-and-some-best-series

Book Maniac Forever

964 reviews379 followers

November 25, 2020

Destroyed Destiny (Crowne Point #4) (31)
⭐️ 5 "Tell Me Your Secrets" Stars ⭐️
What a thrilling, emotional journey Destroyed Destiny was! This conclusion to Story Hale and Grayson Crowne's epic forbidden romance had me captivated all read long!

I’ll be brief with this review because I don’t want to spoil anything so I won’t tell you about the plot line! Just know that this novel is full of surprises. All the growth and changes the various protagonists went through since the start of the series is staggering. It’s more than ever apparent with new alliances, betrayals and long hidden secrets. One thing is clear though, our doomed couple fight for their love. I was overwhelmed by all the feels Mary Catherine Gebhard packed into this beast of a book! I went by an amalgam of conflicting emotions throughout my read and couldn’t get enough of all these sensations affecting me!

Destroyed Destiny was a delight to read with the lyrical prose of the author that only enhanced the feels! I cried, I raged, I smiled, I startled over the turns of event happening between the pages of this unforgettable book! Now that Story and Grayson’s romance is over, I’m dying for the next book set in the Crowne World!

** ARC received in exchange for an honest review **

    angsty-read beautiful-prose dirty-talker-alpha


222 reviews9 followers

November 20, 2020


Now that, my friends, is how you conclude a trilogy!

Let’s rewind a little… It’s safe to say that the endings for both Stolen Soulmate and Forbidden Fate were unexpected. Un-Ex-Pec-Ted. They left me downright reeling. But Destroyed Destiny? It makes all of that worth it.

Story and Gray fought tooth and nail for their happily ever after, and what a journey it was! I spent the entire read biting my nails, riding a rollercoaster of emotions from start to finish. I feel like I’ve just been through a world war, defeated the enemy and claimed victory. Because all those obstacles they faced led to an ending so freaking satisfying, my shattered heart was weeping with joy.

“You said our destiny was divided, but I think we always had a path and it was clear: we weren’t supposed to be together. That’s why everything kept pointing back to them. We had a destiny, and it was f*cking wrong. We finally f*cking destroyed it.”

If you thought Gray was swoony as Story’s lover, you should see him as a father. I. Couldn’t. Stop. Swooning. My heart almost couldn’t handle him at that point.

Mary Catherine Gebhard writes in a way that consumes and draws you into the world of the Crownes. The angst. The steam. The heartache. I live and breathe for these characters, yet I could not get enough. This book is unputdownable and a top read of 2020.


309 reviews15 followers

November 25, 2020

Book: Destroyed Destiny
Author: Mary Catherine Gebhard
Rating: 3/5 📝🔥destined stars 🔥📝

"You are where I wrote once upon a time, he is where I write happily ever after."

Destroyed Destiny (Crowne Point #4) (34)

I want to start this review by saying that this book, this series, this couple, this journey has been a wild ride. I started the Crowne Point series last year with Heartless Hero I loved that book a lot, Theo and Abigail hooked me up on this series forever. So much that when Stolen Soulmate was announced, I knew I had to keep reading every book on this series. Furthermore, I was excited to see how Mary Catherine Gebhard would continue to drive us, her readers, to borderline insanity with the upcoming books for the Crowne Point-verse.

I still remember that when I read Stolen Soulmate, I was gobsmacked by how amazing it was. That book was and is one of the best romance novels I've read in 2020 and remains a personal favorite. It was exquisite, I fell in love with both main characters, the plot was magnificent and not at all what I expected. It was a true masterpiece. I recommended (more like demanded) all my friends to read it because I know the storytelling in this book was simply marvelous.

I don't want to lie and say that for the following books, Forbidden Fate and Destroyed Destiny I had the same experience as the one with their predecessor because it would be a lie. I struggled to enjoy Forbidden Fate, and even when Mary's powerful writing skills were there, I felt disappointed by how it was executed. I didn't like the plot; too much unnecessary drama and after reading both FF and DD, I stand by this statement. The love I felt for both Story and Gray, was diminished and overall, book 2 feels irrelevant to their story. I know many important things happened in Forbidden Fate, key players were introduced and power plays did create an impact on the series. However, from my point of view, it felt like all the wonderful things Stolen Soulmate achieved were somehow lost in Forbidden Fate.

By the time I started to read Destroyed Destiny, being quite honest I was no longer excited to start it because somehow I felt it would not measure up to what I envisioned after reading book 1. I do feel that this book was good enough as a conclusion for Story and Grayson's romance. There were some parts I enjoyed more than others, there are plenty of angsty moments, and I believe the author gave them a worthy and well-thought ending. Don't get me wrong, I liked Destroyed Destiny but for me, I reached a point where the magic I felt on Stolen Soulmate was lost, and it was impossible for me to connect with this story or its main characters anymore.

I do want to say, I will continue to read the rest of the series. I am dying to read Gemma and Grim's book, and we have characters that I hope will get a book of their own too!

Hope you like my review, remember that reading and enjoying stories is in the eye of the beholder. Be kind.

ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.

    angsty arc cant-wait-for-the-next-book

Meredith Wilson

383 reviews40 followers

November 24, 2020

Destroyed Destiny is the epic conclusion of Story Hale and Grayson Crowne's story. Just as Stolen Soulmate and Forbidden Fate did before, this book absolutely wrecked me. It made my heart ache and my tears flow as I went on this highly emotional journey with them. Folks, this book is next level good. Seriously, it kept me hooked and on the edge the whole way through. I am breathless, so emotional and so wowed. This book is a guaranteed book hangover read. SO. FLIPPING. GOOD!

Full review to come.

Destroyed Destiny (Crowne Point #4) (36)



582 reviews116 followers

December 5, 2020

3.75 this was a long wait stars

To put it in a language FB thought me my relationship with this trilogy is complicated...

Book one was brilliant, it blew my world and I was a sucker for more... I knew it ended on a cliffhanger as book two and three were already scheduled to be there. Grayson was awesome and Story took a place in my heart.

Book three was a huge disappointment, the story was weak, the plot bland, Story and Grayson whiney and so annoying, I sometimes had the feeling I was reading a different book. To make things worse it ended on cliffhanger and hear hear it was unannounced, the author hushed it down and had the audacity to ask not to spoil the end for others... ehm 🤨 declaring a cliffy it’s called respect towards the readers who buy your book, and spoiler alert! honesty never spoils the fun.

On to book four, let’s say I waited ages for this! It took forever to finally be released, however I’m not holding this against the author, quite the opposite in fact, I understand it was a complicated story and she wanted to deliver the last part to perfection. Again, she should have be transparent about the end on book two and let us, the readers, choose how to go about that...
anyway I couldn’t get straight into book four since I needed to re read some parts of book three, therefore I started this not in the best of moods 🥺 but... it’s such a long book that by the end I got over it! 🤣

Overall I think a fourth book wasn’t necessary and sometimes it felt like the story dragged and it could have been told in three books. The saving grace of this book is Grayson, he totally redeemed himself and I could see the old Atlas make an appearance. Story also stopped getting on my nerves and most of the times I liked the way she acted and behaved.
I’m glad this is over and I’m ready to read Gemma’s story and see what happens to Lottie.

Despite all her shortcomings Ms Gebhard has a talent, her storytelling flows easily, I enjoy her lyrical writing. I’m also keen to know what happens to Crowne Point and the rest of the characters. I just hope the author will handle better the future books 😉

Mehaque Khanum

165 reviews35 followers

January 8, 2021

"In her fairy tale the princes were all taken, the fairy tale was always fractured."

What can I say that would justify the beautiful oh so emotional tale of Storybook and Gray?
"Put my heart in a cage and treat it like a songbird. Open old bone doors so my love can sing. Put my heart in a cage and treat it like a songbird. Close the door, my love will settle back on its perch."

This is the third and final part of Gray and Story's unconventional love story. And as much as the ending made me happy, I was equally sad that we would get no more insight on my favorite couple. Reading this book made me realize how much of a quitter I am honestly, like the way Story and Gray fought for their happy ending? Woah, man. I would've given up a long time back. Everything was so twisted but not confusing, so painful but not over-the-top, so beautiful yet so sad.

"I wish I were a girl again, half savage and hardy, and free. Why I am so changed?"

I would most definitely recommend reading the whole series, the whole #CrownePoint series and it won't be a waste.
"I opened my mouth to yell his name, and the moment I sucked in air, Grayson’s head snapped to mine, piercing through the veil. He knew my breath. He knew my sounds. He knew my soul. He knew my everything."

The beautiful verse in the book, the addition of such elegant poems and references made this book a top-notch one for me.

"When he left me, I stayed awake watching the stars give their wishes back to the sun. I couldn’t stop wondering as I looked out at the billions of vanishing stars keeping us apart: why do so many love stories keep princesses locked in towers? The princess spends more time with the villain than the hero."

The last 30% of the book made me angry, sad and so hopeless but the author gave this book a whole justification. Previously I've reviewed the second part, so I won't get into the blurb on what happens in this book. Just know, this is absolutely a masterpiece, and only my sister and I know how much I've waited to read this book. I was never #TeamWest and I were seeing all these reviews and people were rooting for West- I totally didn’t get why until I read this part and damn if I wasn’t a bit shaky in my heart for him as well. I feel like he had finally redeemed himself in a twisted way in this book which made us love him -in a twisted way.

"I remember thinking Grayson Crowne would never look at me, and now it was like he can’t stop looking at me."

Once again I'll mention that I believe Grayson Crowne would certainly be on my Top 3 favorite hero. He's that man. The way Story and Grayson loved-albeit this is fiction-makes me hopeful for my own love life😂💖

"I was only given one story, and you wrote the ending before you ever heard my beginning."

I can't wait to read more from the #CrowneUniverse and of course the author. Much love 💖 Highly recommended.


Library of Romance

213 reviews66 followers

January 1, 2021

Mary Catherine Gebhard - Destroyed Destiny (Crowne Point 4)

Grayson and Storys fate continues with a third book, fourth Crowne Point book. Cannot wait for a happy ending.

Destroyed Destiny (Crowne Point #4) (40)

Destroyed Destiny (Crowne Point #4) (41)

Destroyed Destiny (Crowne Point #4) (42)

Destroyed Destiny: 26th November 2020
Our love broke the rules.⁠
From the first stolen kiss to the last, destiny put us at odds.⁠
Now four hearts are crossed, our happily ever afters tangled in heartache.⁠
The bed I’m in doesn’t belong to my thorny prince, but the one holding his crown hostage.⁠
If my destiny with Grayson Crowne is divided, then we’ll spend a lifetime finding our happily ever after.⁠
But if a house divided never stands, then my destiny with Grayson never stood a chance….maybe we don’t need to find our destiny.⁠
We need to destroy it.⁠
As we fight to write happily ever after, the ugliest truth holds it captive.⁠
The princess has a destiny with the villain too.⁠
Even if she hates it.⁠
Even when it’s wrong.⁠


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    0-to-review 2020-most-anticipated arc-2020-completed


503 reviews362 followers

September 14, 2023

storygray you’ll always be famous for the angst and the ‘pull my hair’ moments u made me go through🙏


456 reviews55 followers

December 22, 2023

I still don't get why this story was divided in three books, it could have been one with much less drama and it could have been a lot more enjoyable. 2 ⭐️

    millionaire series too-much-drama

Shaley- Pretty Little Book Blog

477 reviews

November 23, 2020

“Tangled and twisted, that’s what the four of us had become.”

Utterly spell-binding. Completely captivating. Destroyed Destiny CONSUMED me.

Mary has written a world that will forever stay with me. It’ll always be a series that you can look back on with your reading friends and say, “Do you remember when Story...” or “Do you remember that one time that Grayson Crowne...”. Crowne Pointe is unforgettable.

Not only does Mary kill it with this story but the CHARACTER GROWTH is one big mic drop. No details but these characters have all grown so much. They are completely different people than when the series started out but they all NEEDED that change.

Beautifully crafted. Utterly addictive. Unputdownable.

**Please make sure that you read Stolen Soulmate and Forbidden Fate before diving into Destroyed Destiny. It is a trilogy and must be read in order.

“Our destinies were always meant to cross, because we were always meant to destroy it.”

Cinderella (Nysa Bookish)

427 reviews12 followers

November 25, 2020

Destroyed Destiny (Crowne Point #4) (47)

Mary is good, I mean really really GOOD.

She has a knack of painting emotions on pages like Pollock does on canvas. They are vivid, real, gutwrenching and will take a piece of your soul with them. I found her with Stolen Soulmates, continued the journey with Forbidden Fate, and with Destroyed Destiny, frankly, I am disappointed. 2020 just wasn't her year.

This book was to be the epic conclusion to the saga that was the love story between Story Hale, the pauper who dared to look a god in the eye; and Grayson Crowne, the misunderstood rich playboy fighting the whole world to keep his love safe. This book is a conclusion, just not epic.

It is thick, long and I found it to be hella draggy. The initial few chapters were unnecessary, focusing more on the emotions of the characters which, unfortunately - to me - weren't as engaging as her previous works. Miscommunication was rife between the characters, the twists subpar. The miscommunication was the part that got to me as being the most frustrating. They would rather communicate via proses, and keep silent where necessary. The story didn't pick up till at least 67% in and by that time it was just disheartening to continue. There were so many things that were unexplained, like 1. the 'power' of the coins; 2. how Story could publicly publicise her "Dear Atlas" and be surprised that Grayson read it and the account not taken down immediately by the all might Beryl/du Lac who controls all media, 3. How many coins did Grayson's father actually have because Gray gave one to Woodsy and kept 3? etc. Some insignificant issues were made bigger than necessary while other important issues brushed under the rug. The actual climax wasn't exciting, again was needlessly extended and the final conclusion, anti-climatic.

The only person - and I cannot believe I am saying this - whom I liked was West. His character development was superb, and I just felt bad for him because he got played when he was the only genuine person trying to find a solution (while also getting what his heart desired). Yes, he went about it the wrong way, but I just felt sad that his life became the collateral damage to the animosity between Crownes and du Lacs. Story and Grayson's characters were stagnant with their usual back and forth like the last 2 books. Gemma was a surprise and I am cautiously looking forward to reading her story.

If you have been following Grayson and Story and want closure, ahead and read the book. Maybe the book will resonate more with you than it did me.

Wil Loves Books!

1,277 reviews477 followers

August 23, 2022

Soul crushing angst is my type of angst, and this book has this in spades. When I started reading this book, I had no idea it was a trilogy. I tend to stay away from them because of the time investment, but oh man, I was hooked with these books, even though they're hella long. Thankfully, by the time I discover these books, all 3 book were out, phew!

I effing loved Gray and Story, that's all, that's the bottom line. This writer is sooo talented I hope she comes back soon.



475 reviews338 followers

July 22, 2023


RTc… No thoughts!!!

1-Click Addict Support Group

3,749 reviews483 followers

November 26, 2020

What a wild ride Mary has put us through and that ending to Grayson and Story’s story!! At the end of Stolen Soulmate- book #2 in this trilogy- I thought that was the end of Story & Grayson but little did I realize that love makes us do things for those we love.

I was rooting for Grayson because his need to get Story back at any cost was unrelenting and he showed us that even when his family got in the way that he was willing to do anything to show Story that nothing could stop him from getting her back. Their journey was deep, raw, and so emotional. Be ready for a ride that will have you clinging for your dear life! Kara~ 4.5 Stars


211 reviews2 followers

November 25, 2020

Not enough

This is just not for me. These two characters went from being interesting and having so much to offer the reader, to being shifted around and losing anything that made them original. The author made some huge mistakes in this series and unfortunately this book just didn’t fix them. She made some gratuitous choices, probably to get that shock value some other authors are famous for. She sacrificed the dignity of her characters along with any Alphaness Gray possessed. Co@khold stories just aren’t my thing, any enjoyment of this series was lost with that moment. I tried to look from another perspective, but it’s just impossible at this point. I might try something else by this author, but this series is just a sad disappointment from someone who tried way to hard to be a different writer...

Destroyed Destiny (Crowne Point #4) (2024)
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