F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (2024)


F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes

V: Mental, behavioural and neurodevelopmental disorders (F00-F99)

Learn More About Other Specified Depressive Episodes (F32.89) and how it is classified under ICD-10-CM.

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (1)

By Ashleigh Knowles on Jun 16, 2024.

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (2)

Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

Use Code

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (3)

Table of content

F32.89 Diagnosis Code: Other Specified Depressive EpisodesIs F32.89 Billable?Clinical InformationSynonyms IncludeOther ICD-10 Codes Commonly Used for DepressionFAQS

Use Code


F32.89 Diagnosis Code: Other Specified Depressive Episodes

F32.89 is a medical code for Other Specified Depressive Episodes under the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM).

This code is used when a clinician has diagnosed that a patient is experiencing depression, but the depressive episode does not meet the criteria for one of the major disorder categories.

Symptoms of this condition may include feelings of sadness, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, changes in sleep or appetite, irritability, and thoughts of death or suicide.

Is F32.89 Billable?

Yes, this ICD-10 code is billable.

Clinical Information

Major depressive disorder is a complex mental illness that requires the expertise of medical professionals to diagnose and treat accurately. It can manifest in various ways, including mood, behavior, and physical health changes. It is thought to be linked to genetic, biological, environmental, and psychological factors.

People with depression may experience an impaired ability to function daily, such as difficulty completing tasks at work or school and avoiding social activities.

Treatment for this condition typically includes a combination of psychotherapy, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and antidepressant medications. Other strategies, such as lifestyle modifications, support groups, and self-care techniques, may be helpful in managing symptoms.

Synonyms Include

  • F33.41: Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent, In Partial Remission
  • F33.42: Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent, In Full Remission
  • F33.9: Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent, Unspecified
  • F33.8: Other Specified Depressive Episodes

Other ICD-10 Codes Commonly Used for Depression

Here are ICD-10 codes commonly used for depression, in addition to F32.89:

  • F32.0: Major Depressive Disorder, Single Episode, Mild
  • F32.1: Major Depressive Disorder, Single Episode, Moderate
  • F32.2: Major Depressive Disorder, Single Episode, Severe Without Psychotic Features
  • F32.3: Major Depressive Disorder, Single Episode, Severe With Psychotic Features
  • F32.4: Major Depressive Disorder, Single Episode, In Partial Remission
  • F32.5: Major Depressive Disorder, Single Episode, In Full Remission
  • F33.0: Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent, Mild
  • F33.1: Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent, Moderate
  • F33.2: Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent, Severe Without Psychotic Features

Commonly asked questions

When to use a diagnosis code F32.89?

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (5)

The diagnosis code F32.89 should be used when a patient is diagnosed with Other specified Depressive Episodes.

Is the F32.89 diagnosis billable?

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (6)

Yes, this ICD-10 code is billable.

What are the common treatments for F32.89 Diagnosis Code?

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (7)

Common treatments for F32.89 vary depending on the severity of the individual's depression and other factors. Generally, treatment plans include psychotherapy (such as cognitive-behavioral therapy), antidepressant medications, lifestyle changes, or a combination of all three.

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (8)

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (9)

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (10)

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (13)

Self Injurious Behavior ICD-10-CM Codes | 2023

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (14)

Lewy Body Dementia ICD-10-CM Codes | 2023

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (15)

Eating Disorder ICD-10-CM Codes | 2023

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (16)

Paranoia ICD-10-CM Codes | 2023

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (17)

Nonverbal ICD-10-CM Codes | 2023

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (18)


F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (19)


F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (20)

Psychiatric Disorder ICD-10-CM Codes

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (21)

Developmental Disorder of Speech and Language, Unspecified ICD-10-CM Codes

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (22)

Suicidal Ideation ICD-10-CM Codes

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (24)

Speech Delay ICD-10-CM Codes

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (25)

Major Depressive Disorder Recurrent Moderate ICD-10-CM Codes

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (26)

Post Concussion Syndrome ICD-10-CM Codes

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (27)

Alcoholism ICD-10-CM Codes

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (28)

Memory Issues ICD-10-CM Codes

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (29)

Forgetfulness ICD-10-CM Codes

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (30)

Marijuana Use ICD-10-CM Codes

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (31)

Alcohol Withdrawal ICD-10-CM Codes

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (32)

Brain Fog ICD-10-CM Codes

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (33)

Stress ICD-10-CM Codes

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (34)

Social Anxiety Disorder ICD-10-CM Codes

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (35)

Anorexia ICD-10-CM Codes

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (36)

Methamphetamine Use ICD-10-CM Codes

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (37)

Methamphetamine Abuse

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (38)

Altered Mental Status ICD-10-CM Codes

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (39)

Bipolar ICD-10-CM Codes

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (40)

Nicotine Dependence ICD-10-CM Codes

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (41)

Intellectual Disability ICD-10-CM Codes

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (42)

Reactive Depression ICD-10-CM Codes

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (43)

Cannabis Use Disorder ICD-10-CM Codes

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (44)

Schizophrenia ICD-10-CM Codes

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (45)

Cocaine Use ICD-10-CM Codes

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (46)

MDD Recurrent Moderate ICD-10-CM Codes | 2023

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (47)

Chronic Insomnia ICD-10-CM Codes

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (48)

Alcohol Abuse ICD-10-CM Codes

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (49)

Autism ICD-10-CM Codes

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (50)

Bipolar Disorder ICD-10-CM Codes

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (51)

Cognitive Decline ICD-10-CM Codes

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (52)

Alcohol Use Disorder ICD-10-CM Codes

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (53)

Poly Substance Abuse ICD-10-CM Codes

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (54)

Adjustment Disorders ICD-10-CM Codes

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (55)

Developmental Delay ICD-10-CM Codes

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (56)

Anxiety Unspecified ICD-10-CM Codes

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (57)

Anxiety And Depression ICD-10-CM Codes

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (58)

Unspecified Mood Disorder ICD-10-CM Codes

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (59)

ADHD ICD-10-CM Codes

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (60)

Tobacco Abuse ICD-10-CM Codes

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (61)

Dementia Unspecified ICD-10-CM Codes

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (62)

MDD ICD-10-CM Codes

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (63)

Smoker ICD-10-CM Codes | 2023

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (64)

Alcohol Dependence ICD-10-CM Codes | 2023

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (65)

Dementia ICD-10-CM Codes | 2023

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (66)

F88 – Other disorders of psychological development

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (67)

ICD-10 Codes for Major Depression

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (68)

Anxiety With Depression ICD-10-CM Codes

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (69)

Depression With Anxiety ICD-10-CM Codes

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (70)

Postpartum Depression ICD-10-CM Codes | 2023

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (71)

Bipolar Depression ICD-10-CM Codes

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (72)

Mood Disorder ICD-10-CM Codes

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (73)

Opioid Use Disorder ICD-10-CM Codes

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (74)

Anxiety ICD-10-CM Codes

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (75)

Insomnia ICD-10-CM Codes | 2023

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (76)

F80.2 – Mixed receptive-expressive language disorder

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (77)

Mild Depression ICD-10-CM Codes | 2023

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (78)

Depression ICD-10-CM Codes | 2023

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (79)

Major Depressive Disorder ICD-10-CM Codes | 2023

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (80)

F43.0 – Acute stress reaction

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (81)

F42.2 – Mixed obsessional thoughts and acts

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (82)

F39 – Unspecified mood [affective] disorder

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (83)

F43.8 – Other reactions to severe stress

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (84)

F17.210 – Nicotine dependence, cigarettes, uncomplicated

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (85)

F31.64 – Bipolar disorder, current episode mixed, severe, with psychotic features

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (86)

F31.63 – Bipolar disorder, current episode mixed, severe, without psychotic features

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (87)

F32.4 – Major depressive disorder, single episode, in partial remission

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (88)

F06.8 – Other specified mental disorders due to known physiological condition

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (89)

F06.30 – Mood disorder due to known physiological condition, unspecified

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (90)

F10.20 – Alcohol dependence, uncomplicated

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (91)

F51.04 – Psychophysiologic insomnia

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (92)

F06.32 – Mood disorder due to known physiological condition with major depressive-like episode

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (93)

F31.10 – Bipolar disorder, current episode manic without psychotic features, unspecified

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (94)

F32.5 – Major depressive disorder, single episode, in full remission

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (95)

F06.34 – Mood disorder due to known physiological condition with mixed features

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (96)

F31.60 – Bipolar disorder, current episode mixed, unspecified

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (97)

F51.05 – Insomnia due to other mental disorder

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (98)

F31.62 – Bipolar disorder, current episode mixed, moderate

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (99)

F31.0 – Bipolar disorder, current episode hypomanic

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (100)

F11.23 – Opioid Dependence With Withdrawal

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (101)

F90.8 – Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, other type

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (102)

F31.89 – Other bipolar disorder

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (103)

F43.29 – Adjustment disorder with other symptoms

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (104)

F31.30 – Bipolar disorder, current episode depressed, mild or moderate severity, unspecified

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (105)

F43.24 – Adjustment Disorder With Disturbance of Conduct

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (106)

F40.11 – Social phobia, generalized

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (107)

F31.31 – Bipolar disorder, current episode depressed, mild

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (108)

F31.32 – Bipolar Disorder, Current Episode Depressed, Moderate

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (109)

F05 – Delirium Due To Known Physiological Condition

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (110)

F06.31 – Mood Disorder Due To Known Physiological Condition With Depressive Features

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (111)

F43.11 – Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Acute

F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (112)

F11.21 – Opioid dependence, in remission

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F32.89 – Other Specified Depressive Episodes | ICD-10-CM (2024)
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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.