Fermented Soda Recipe: Blueberry Soda (2024)

The more fermenting of food I do, the more I love it. My current passion is creating lacto-fermented sodas. Since it’s fruit season, I’ve been experimenting with simple fruit soda recipes, and will share my soda recipe for homemade blueberry soda with you.

Recently I served some of my lacto-fermented soda at a potluck and people were so excited to drink it. One woman spoke about how alive it tasted and how energetic she felt after drinking it.

This is the truth about the origins of sodas. These drinks that have become such a detriment to modern health started out as health tonics. That’s why you would see soda fountains in pharmacies. The sodas were a way of harnessing the vitamins and minerals stored in the roots or other plant matter and putting them into a tasty drink.

When we use the practice of lacto-fermentation to create our sodas we are not only pulling the vitamins and minerals from the plant material, we’re also adding the healthy microorganisms that help our bodies break down and assimilate food. The fermentation process can also create new nutrients such as B vitamins.

These sodas truly are a wonderful health tonic to add to your diet!

So, let’s get on to the soda recipe. This is adapted from my experience in a soda making class taught by Jennifer Sundstrom and an article called Artisanal Home Soda Fermentation by Charles Eisenstein that can be found on the Weston Price Foundation website.

The process takes a couple of weeks; so don’t get started on this soda recipe just before leaving on vacation.

Fermented Soda Recipe: Blueberry Soda (2)

Soda Culture

The first step is to create your soda culture for your soda recipe.

What you’ll need…
  • 2 to 3 inch piece of ginger root
  • About 1/2 cup sugar (white sugar is fine or you can use sucanat or maple syrup)
  1. Fill a quart mason jar to 3/4 full with filtered water (it’s best if you can remove the chlorine).
  2. Add 1 tablespoon of grated or finely chopped ginger and 2 teaspoons of sugar. Stir well.
  3. Cover with cheesecloth and allow to sit out for 24 hours.
  4. Add 2 teaspoons of ginger and 2 teaspoons of sugar and stir well each morning for a week.
  5. If possible, stir 2 or 3 times per day.
  6. After a week, it should become slightly bubbly and pleasant smelling. At this point it is ready to be used in your soda making. If you are not going to use it all right away, you can cap it and keep it in your refrigerator until you are ready to use it.

Fermented Soda Recipe: Blueberry Soda (3)

Blueberry Soda Syrup

The next step is to create your syrup for your soda recipe. You can use fresh or frozen blueberries and other kinds of fruit can be substituted – peaches, blackberries, etc.

What you’ll need…
  • About 6 cups blueberries (fresh or frozen)
  • 1 gallon filtered water
  • 1 1/2 cups sugar
  • And 1 cup soda culture (see above)
  1. Put 1/2 gallon of filtered water in a large pot. Bring the water to a boil. Stir in your sugar or other sweetener.
  2. (Remember that the microorganisms are going to consume this sugar during the process of fermentation and transform it. This is what creates the soda’s fizz. So white sugar is not as bad a choice for this soda recipe as it is for non-fermented foods.)
  3. Add your blueberries to the pot and bring the water back to a boil. Allow them to simmer in the water for about 10 minutes.
  4. Taste what you’ve created. Does it taste fruity enough? If not, maybe you want to add more berries or simmer a bit longer. (This is not an absolute process.)
  5. Pour this hot liquid plus the berries into a gallon jar. (The hot liquid will help sterilize your jar. You may want to put a knife or other clean metal object into the jar to help draw some of the heat to keep the jar from breaking.)
  6. Fill the jar almost to the top (you’ll need to leave some space to add your cup of culture) with cool filtered water, and allow the liquid to cool to room temperature.
  7. Now add 1 cup of soda culture (don’t worry if some of the ginger gets into your brew – it won’t be enough to add its flavor).
  8. Stir well. Cover with cheesecloth and allow to sit out on your counter. Leave the brew to sit for 3 to 7 days, stirring well 2 or 3 times a day. The longer it sits, the more it will ferment and the more of the sugars will be consumed. If you want a sweeter soda, stop the fermentation earlier. For my blueberry soda, I only let it sit until it started bubbling – about 3 days. Taste your soda after 3 days and see if you like it. Bottle it when you are ready.
  9. To bottle the soda after finishing your soda recipe, strain it and then pour it into some kind of bottle that can seal. You can use these fancy sorts of bottles or simply well cleaned bottles with screw tops – the options are many. Leave the bottles to sit out overnight (or longer if it is not fizzy enough after one day). The fermentation process will continue and the closed bottles will trap the bubbles, so your soda will turn out nicely carbonated.
  10. Use caution when opening your sodas. It’s great to put a bowl over the top and a bowl underneath, in case they fizz over the top of the bottle. If your sodas are as fizzy as you like in the morning, put them into the fridge to slow the fermentation process.
  11. Be aware – bottles left too long on the counter can explode if the pressure builds up too much. Also, the fermentation process will continue in the fridge, though much more slowly. Bottles left too long in the fridge may also explode. So don’t forget to drink the soda after you’ve made it.
  12. Pour into a glass with ice and enjoy, or serve to your eager children or guests. It’s wonderful to provide such a healthy, delicious drink to your friends and family!
  13. Enjoy this refreshing and healthful soda recipe!

Fermented Soda Recipe: Blueberry Soda (2024)


Can blueberry juice ferment? ›

Isolated microbial strains had good fermentative ability in blueberry juice. The viable cell counts of isolated lactic acid bacteria exceeded 10.0 log CFU/mL. Phenolic content and antioxidant capacity were enhanced by lactic acid fermentation.

How long does it take to ferment berries? ›

Berries fermentation usually takes up to 5–6 days for fermentation slightly above the room temperature to produce the alcohol. At room temperature, it may take an additional day to complete the process.

What happens if you ferment blueberries? ›

Moreover, when compared to fresh blueberry, the process of fermentation brings additional health benefits, mainly through the production of various microbial metabolites or postbiotics. The type of probiotics used in fermenting blueberries seems to be a critical factor in generating specific postbiotics.

Is it OK to eat fermented blueberries? ›

Fermented blueberries are a delicious and healthy way to get probiotics. Depending on the method you use will depend on the flavor.

How long do blueberries take to ferment? ›

Ferment the blueberries in a warm place until they have soured slightly but still have their sweet, fruity perfume. This should take four to five days at eighty-two degrees Fahrenheit, or a few days longer at room temperature. But you should start taste-testing after the first few days.

How to ferment blueberry juice? ›

  1. Crush the blueberries.
  2. Add the water-sugar mixture and enough water to make 5 gallons (19 L). ...
  3. Add sugar, if necessary, to reach specific gravity of 1.090.
  4. Add the tannin, acid blend, pectic enzyme and yeast nutrient. ...
  5. Maintain a constant fermentation temperature range between 70–75 °F (21–24 °C).
  6. Add yeast to the must.
Jul 7, 2023

What do fermented blueberries taste like? ›

WILD FERMENTATION | Fermented blueberries taste like extremely salty, mild wine | Facebook.

Can you ferment soda pop? ›

co*ke, pepsi etc can be fermented to something called “co*ke shine” - aka moon shine but with co*ke. Yeast + the 12–13% sugar content of co*ke would get you 8% alcohol. If it was left out in the open and it had the yeast in it, it will at best be 8% alcohol.

How long does fermented soda last? ›

When the soda has reached the desired level of carbonation, place the bottles in the fridge to halt or slow fermentation. Consume within 2 weeks.

What is fermented soda called? ›

Kombucha is now homebrewed globally, and also bottled and sold commercially. The global kombucha market was worth approximately US$1.7 billion as of 2019. Kombucha is produced by symbiotic fermentation of sugared tea using a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast (SCOBY) commonly called a "mother" or "mushroom".

Is it OK to eat fermented berries? ›

Fermented fruit is absolutely safe to eat. If you're making it at home, you just need to make sure to follow the fermentation directions closely and clean all of your fermentation tools. Although there is not one specific taste for fermented fruits, we promise that they all taste delicious!

Can you ferment fruit without yeast? ›

Making alcohol from fruit without using yeast is possible, but it requires using wild, airborne yeasts that are naturally present in the environment. This process is called wild fermentation or spontaneous fermentation, which is the traditional method of making wine, beer, and other fermented beverages.

What fruit ferments the fastest? ›

Purple grape, white grape, and peach juice fermented to potential alcohol the fastest. Fermentation was complete in 6 days. Apple, pear and pomegranate juices also had high sugar content and fermented to potential alcohol in 9 days.

Can blueberries turn into alcohol? ›

Blueberry wine is a variety of fruit wine, a fermented beverage made with a base other than grape juice. Although the term “wine” usually refers to the beverage made of grapes, the fermentation process behind fruit wine—allowing yeast to feed on the sugars in the fruit and become alcohol—is the same.

What fruit juices can be fermented? ›

Any fruit can become wine, but grape juice (and, almost as good, apple juice) have the ideal concentrations to become a happy alcohol accident. Alcohol is the result of yeast fermenting sugars into alcohol and carbon dioxide.

What juices can be fermented? ›

Vegetable juice: Vegetables like beetroot, carrots, and celery can be used for fermentation. They contain sugars and other nutrients that can be converted into alcohol, but they also have a distinct flavor that can be used to make unique fermented drinks.

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Name: Errol Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.