Fire Cider Vinegar Recipe: A Natural Cold and Flu Remedy (2024)

I tried fire cider vinegar as a natural cold and flu remedy for the first time at the end of last year. This was after getting yet another cold. A cold which I honestly think was being passed back and forth between me and and a guy I’d been dating. The results were quickly noticeable. By day three I felt like a whole new, shiny person. And that undying sinus headache, that typically only Sudafed takes care of, was quick to make a hasty retreat from the first use. Not only did it help immediately, I didn’t have to take any over the counter medication in addition to the fire cider I was taking.

Fire Cider Vinegar Recipe: A Natural Cold and Flu Remedy (1)

I’ve since recommended fire cider vinegar for natural cold and flu relief to all of my friends. Those who took my advice felt better within two days time, with complete relief in under a week. Those who didn’t, well. Let’s just say their illnesses dragged on for two full weeks. Unfortunately, buying fire cider can be expensive. Therefore, if you aren’t in a time crunch, I recommend making your own to keep in stock for when you need it as a home remedy for colds and flu.

With the new virus now a pandemic, a combo of both fire cider vinegar and elderberry syrup are my go to products for cold and flu season. Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of fire cider as a cold and flu remedy, how to make your own fire cider vinegar recipe using raw apple cider vinegar, and other natural cold and flu remedies you can try.

Fire Cider Vinegar Recipe: A Natural Cold and Flu Remedy (2)

Fire Cider Cold and Flu Remedy

I’ve been an advocate for apple cider vinegar for a number of years now. It all started with a quest to learn how to better manage my fibromyalgia after realizing that pain killers were literally the worst ever way to treat a chronic condition. I tried literally a zillion supplements and remedies during my hunt for a natural alternative. This journey led me to kombucha tea. Then, eventually, to an apple cider vinegar tonic to remedy my gut health.

When I first learned about fire cider vinegar it was during a trademark dispute over the use of “fire cider.” A traditional cold and flu remedy, the term fire cider had been used for centuries as a holistic remedy. That a company had come along and trademarked a well known term used for a natural remedy was concerning to a lot of people. Luckily, some upstanding, prominent herbalists took it upon themselves to fight this trademark. And, after a lot of time and money (much of which was donated to the cause), they finally won. Five years later and Shire City Herbals no longer owns a trademark to the common term, fire cider.

Fire Cider Vinegar Recipe: A Natural Cold and Flu Remedy (3)

This also sets a precedent that prevents the names for traditional folk remedies from being trademarked in the future. Therefore it’s seen as a win for herbalists. After all, people had been making, using and selling fire cider vinegar long before Shire City Herbals trademarked the name in 2012.

Not only should the name not have been trademarked in the first place, but the claim that Shire City Herbals came up with fire cider vinegar on its own in 2010 was simply untrue. There are decades upon decades of history outlining its use. Rosemary Gladstar, a well known and respected herbalist, also outlined a fire cider tonic recipe in her book, Herbs for the Home Medicine Chest, which was first published in 1999 as a traditional, herbal cold and flu remedy.

Fire Cider Vinegar Recipe: A Natural Cold and Flu Remedy (4)

What Is Fire Cider?

Fire cider vinegar is a traditional, warming apple cider vinegar tonic. It acts as a holistic decongestant while also supporting immune health. Comprised of onions, garlic, peppers, ginger, horseradish, a lemon or orange, turmeric, raw honey and apple cider vinegar, this spicy folk preparation is perfect as a shooter or an addition to water, oil and vinegar dressings and foods like fried rice or mixed veggies. There are a number of different ways to make fire cider vinegar, although the basics tend to remain the same due to their effectiveness.

It’s easy to customize and, of course, you can add as much honey as you like to taste. It also makes a great addition to non-alcoholic, bloody mary recipe. Unfortunately, it does take a month to steep in a cool, dark location. So if you need your fire cider fix ASAP, you can buy this traditional herbal cold remedy online. Or pick some up at your local co-op like I did!

Keep reading to learn how to make a homemade fire cider vinegar as a natural cold and flu remedy for you and your family.

Fire Cider Vinegar Recipe: A Natural Cold and Flu Remedy (5)

Traditional Fire Cider Vinegar Recipe


1 medium organic onion, chopped
10 cloves of organic garlic, crushed or chopped
2 organic jalapeno peppers, chopped
Zest and juice from 1 organic lemon
1/2 cup fresh grated organic ginger root
1/2 cup fresh grated organic horseradish root
1 Tbsp. organic turmeric powder
1/4 tsp. organic cayenne powder
2 Tbsp. of dried rosemary leaves
organic apple cider vinegar
1/4 cup of raw local honey, or to taste


Prepare the ingredients as indicated, by chopping the onion, garlic and peppers. Then grate the ginger and horseradish. Zest and juice the lemon, then combine with the prepared vegetables and spices in a one quart, sterilized mason jar.

Fill the remainder of the mason jar with unfiltered apple cider vinegar. (I love Bragg’s apple cider vinegar with the “mother.”) Then, place a piece of wax paper, or parchment paper, on top of the jar and screw on the lid. (Alternately, you can also use a mason jar with a plastic lid. You just don’t want the acid from the apple cider vinegar eating away at the metal.)

Shake the jar to combine the ingredients. Then, store the mason jar with the fire cider vinegar in a cool, dark location. You should shake the jar once a day for a period of four to six weeks.

After this time, strain the fire cider vinegar through a fine mesh sieve strainer or cheesecloth. Be sure to squeeze the liquid from the pulp of your fire cider vinegar ingredients as well. You want all the natural health benefits that are found in these particular foods!

Now add the raw honey to the fire cider vinegar. You can adjust the amount to taste. Fire cider vinegar is spicy, but not so spicy I couldn’t stand it. (And yes, I’m a wimp. I buy MILD salsa like a crazy person.)

Your fire cider vinegar is now ready to be used. When not in use, simply store your fire cider vinegar in a cool, dark location or in your refrigerator.

Fire Cider Vinegar Recipe: A Natural Cold and Flu Remedy (6)

How to Use Fire Cider as a Cold and Flu Remedy

To use your fire cider vinegar, take one to two Tablespoons as needed to naturally relieve cold and flu symptoms. I like to do shots about three times a day when I first start getting sick. (I also chug a glass of water directly afterwards to tame the burn.) However, you can adjust your intake based on what your body needs at the time.

If you drink a LOT of apple cider vinegar, it does have the potential to damage tooth enamel. So you may want to dilute yours in a glass of water instead.

Fire Cider Vinegar Recipe: A Natural Cold and Flu Remedy (7)

If you like my fire cider vinegar recipe, then be sure to pin it for later.

Alternative Natural Cold and Flu Remedies

If you’re looking for more ways to support immune health throughout cold and flu season, you can also try one of these other natural alternatives.

  • Homemade Cold Remedy Drink for Symptom Relief
  • Breathe Easy Essential Oil Blend (Homemade Vapor Rub)
  • How to Make Custom Herbal Tea Blends for Colds & Flu
  • Homemade Elderberry Syrup Recipe for Immune Support
  • DIY Shower Steamers with Menthol Crystals
  • Sickness Support Bath Soak Recipe with Essential Oils

If you like my natural fire cider vinegar recipe, be sure to follow Soap Deli News on facebook,twitterandinstagram as well as on Blog Lovin‘. Orsign upto receive an email whenever I share a new post!

This article is not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment or medical advice and is provided for informational purposes only. Information on products mentioned are based on my own personal experience or research and have not been evaluated by the FDA. Please consult a physician prior to making any changes that may impact your health.

Fire Cider Vinegar Recipe: A Natural Cold and Flu Remedy (2024)


Does apple cider vinegar help with colds and flu? ›

Although not a proven treatment, apple cider vinegar may be effective against cold symptoms in some people. A person might prefer to take a natural remedy rather than medication for a cold. People can try a drink or recipe that contains additional anti-inflammatory ingredients.

Does fire cider help with cold? ›

Fire cider is a potent herbal tonic renowned for its immune-boosting and medicinal properties which can be used to prevent colds and flu.

Why did fire cider go out of business? ›

Much of Shire City's lifespan was consumed by a yearslong trademark dispute over the company's ownership of the term “Fire Cider.” Shire City filed for the trademark in 2012, inadvertently stoking the ire of the herbalist community, which claimed that the term was a generic descriptor for a traditional folk remedy and ...

Does vinegar break up phlegm? ›

Apple cider vinegar prevents bacteria growth and contains potassium, which helps thin mucus. Mixing a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar into a glass of water or hot tea will help drain your sinuses and get rid of phlegm.

How can I make my cold and flu go away faster? ›

These remedies might help you feel better:
  1. Stay hydrated. Water, juice, clear broth or warm lemon water with honey helps loosen congestion and prevents dehydration. ...
  2. Rest. Your body needs rest to heal.
  3. Soothe a sore throat. ...
  4. Combat stuffiness. ...
  5. Relieve pain. ...
  6. Sip warm liquids. ...
  7. Try honey. ...
  8. Add moisture to the air.

How often should I drink fire cider when sick? ›

Fire Cider Dosage

Take a shot of fire cider or 1-2 tablespoons daily for a potent punch of immune system support and increase that dosage to 3 times a day to use it as a natural remedy to help fight off common cold symptoms.

Does fire cider actually work? ›

People who sing the praises of fire cider say it can build a healthy immune system and help fend off sickness. Here's the catch: There's no evidence that fire cider actually works — or that it does much of anything at all really.

How to take fire cider vinegar? ›

Serving suggestions. Anecdotally, people usually take 1–2 tablespoons daily as an immune booster. However, people who find the tonic strong can dilute it in a glass of water. Some people may only take it if they feel a cold coming or to help warm themselves up during the winter season.

Do you refrigerate fire cider? ›

The Herbal Academy's fire cider recipe uses fresh herbs, so we recommend refrigerating the final preparation and using it within 6 months. If you are using dried herbs, your fire cider can be stored in a cool, dark pantry for up to 1 year. However, if you have the space, refrigeration will keep it fresher for longer.

Who sued over fire cider? ›

The next year, Shire City fired back with a trademark infringement lawsuit against Blue, Langlier, and Wildflower School of Botanical Medicine director Nicole Telkes and sought a declaratory judgment to validate its ownership of the Fire Cider name.

What is the shelf life of homemade fire cider? ›

Well, if you can keep from drinking it all right away, fire cider can last for up to 18 months in a cool, dark cupboard, but may darken over time. I like to use mine within 12 months, and create a fresh batch in the late summer/fall.

How to get all the mucus out of your lungs? ›

Controlled coughing, deep breathing, over-the-counter and prescription medications, chest physiotherapy, and alternative therapies help by reducing, loosening, and coughing up the mucus to prevent lung infections. It's important to use mucus-reducing strategies on a regular basis, not just when your symptoms act up.

What cuts phlegm fast? ›

Gargling warm salt water may help clear phlegm in the back of your throat. It may even help soothe a sore throat. When gargling salt water, follow these easy steps: Mix together a cup of water with 1/2 to 3/4 teaspoon of salt.

Does spitting out phlegm help you get better? ›

Does spitting out phlegm help you get better? Coughing is one way the body gets rid of infection, but when it comes to spitting and swallowing phlegm, neither method will likely help a person recover quicker.

Does apple cider vinegar help with feeling sick? ›

The acids in apple cider vinegar promote alkalinity in the stomach, which alleviates nausea. It has a strong, sour flavor, so some people consume it as a “shot.” You can also add it to water with a touch of honey and sip it, if you prefer.

How to stop a cold when you feel it coming on? ›

How can you stop a cold before it starts?
  1. Reduce stress. Research shows that stress can reduce your immune response. ...
  2. Try zinc. Zinc is an essential mineral found in the foods we eat. ...
  3. Drink lots of fluids. ...
  4. Get the right nutrition. ...
  5. Rest up. ...
  6. Try some over-the-counter (OTC) cold medications. ...
  7. Wash your hands.
Oct 24, 2023

Is it good to drink apple cider vinegar with cold water? ›

It's safe and tasty to use ACV to add some excitement to your meals. Use it to liven up sauces and stews, as well as traditional salad dressings and marinades. You can also drink it, diluted in hot or cold water as you prefer. Some people drink it before or after meals or before going to bed.

Why is apple cider vinegar good for your immune system? ›

Beta‐carotene in apple cider vinegar has antioxidant properties. Consumption of apple cider vinegar improves the immune response against pathogens and also contributes to the acid–base balance (Shahidi et al., 2008). The main chemical compound of vinegar is organic acids such as acetic acid (Tasharofi et al., 2017).

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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.