Ginger Infused Gin co*cktail Recipe for Gifting - Sugar & Cloth (2024)

These Ginger Infused Gin co*cktails are easy to whip up and the perfect co*cktail gift to surprise your friends this holiday.

Ginger Infused Gin co*cktail Recipe for Gifting - Sugar & Cloth (1)

Ginger Infused Gin co*cktail Recipe for Gifting - Sugar & Cloth (2)

With the holidays usually comes a little bit of gifting anxiety.

I,Colleenabsolutely love to give just about everybody on my 21+ list some sort of homemade alcohol infusion.

If you’re looking for the perfect DIY gift(especially a mason jar gift idea for Christmas) to stand out in a sea of same olds, you really need to try this Ginger Infused Ginholiday gift recipe!

There’s somethingparticularly merry about bringing a bottle of cheer to the door of your friend or relative this time of year.

A bottle of wine is as easy to grab as a drug store card.

But for that exact reason, it isn’t exactly the ace of the gifting playbook.

Gifts that involve just a touch ofDIY are, in my opinion, the very best. They sometimes get a bad rap.

And let’s be honest, we’ve all received a #pinterestfail or two in our time.

But in my experience, that’s totally undeserved.

This particular DIY involves very little work (like insanely little, see below) for huge payoff.

Ginger and cardamom are the perfect complement to gin’s citrusy, spicy, floral profile, bringing a spirit often underutilized in the winter months very much into the holiday flavor family.

Ginger Infused Gin co*cktail Recipe for Gifting - Sugar & Cloth (3)

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3 Ingredient co*cktail | Ingredients Needed to Make Ginger Infused Gin

Also, a little shout out here to infused booze in general.

It is EASY AS SIN, and you should try it even if you don’t gift it.

We’re talking a three ingredient recipe that doesn’t involve heating, freezing, or even stirring.

You just put things in a bottle and take them out later. That’s truly it.

To make ginger infused gin, you’ll need:

— Gin — I prefer something floral or citrusy and not juniper-forward for this recipe.

— Cardamom pods

— Ginger

Ginger Infused Gin co*cktail Recipe for Gifting - Sugar & Cloth (4)

How to Make a Ginger Infused Gin co*cktail

Time does all the heavy lifting here, so you need to start these at least a week in advance.

Best get moving now, ’cause you’re gonna want to drink this Ginger Cardamom Infused Gin all season long!

Recipe Notes and Tips

Can you substitute the gin?

This recipe is also great with vodka.I know many people out there have a thing against gin.So vodka can be a safer bet when you don’t know your giftee’s preferences.

Serving sizes:

You can scale the recipe up or down. Just double the ingredients for a 1.5L handle, etc. depending on how many you want to gift and how big your gifting vessels are.

You can also put them in little one cup mason jars as party favors or gift someone an entire 750ml bottle’s worth. Lucky them!

Ginger Infused Gin co*cktail Recipe for Gifting - Sugar & Cloth (5)

Decorating co*cktail Gift Jars

I used my Cricut to make vinyl labels for my mason jars.

But you can be as ambitious or unambitious as you want to!

Stores like Target and Paper Source have adorable pre-made labels that would make this project even easier.

Ginger Infused Gin co*cktail Recipe for Gifting - Sugar & Cloth (6)

More Fun co*cktailRecipes to Try

Anyone else out there tried their own infusions?

It’s such an easy way to add pure flavor to a drink, especially for recipes like martinis and Manhattans that don’t call for citrus or sweeteners (my usual go-to place for adding flavor).

You can infuse pretty much anything in alcohol.

Just make sure you test the flavor every day if you aren’t following a recipe. Some things only need a day or two, and others take weeks!

For more easy co*cktail recipes, check out a few of our favorites —

  • Whiskey Ice Sphere co*cktail Recipe That Will Surely Impress Your Guests
  • The Best Whiskey Dreamsicle co*cktail Recipe
  • White Chocolate Candy Cane co*cktail Recipe
  • Spring Fling co*cktail Recipe
  • Slushy Coconut Mint Margarita co*cktail

Ginger Infused Gin co*cktail Recipe for Gifting - Sugar & Cloth (7)

Ginger Cardamom Infused Gin Recipe

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4.67 from 12 votes

A ginger infused ginholiday gift recipe.

Prep Time5 minutes mins

Infusion Time7 days d

Total Time7 days d 5 minutes mins

Course Drinks

Cuisine co*cktails


  • Mesh strainer

  • Cheesecloth


  • 750 ml gin
  • 15 cardamom pods lightly crushed
  • 1 knot fresh ginger about a 1" by 4" piece, peeled and thinly sliced


Calories: 228kcal | Carbohydrates: 3g | Protein: 1g | Fat: 1g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 1g | Monounsaturated Fat: 1g | Sodium: 2mg | Potassium: 44mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 1g | Vitamin C: 1mg | Calcium: 14mg | Iron: 1mg

Servings: 8

Calories: 228kcal


  • You can scale the recipe up or down. Just double the ingredients for a 1.5L handle, etc. depending on how many you want to gift and how big your gifting vessels are.
  • You can also put them in little one cup mason jars as party favors or gift someone an entire 750ml bottle's worth. Lucky them!


  • Combine all the ingredients in a sealable container and give it a shake.

  • Leave it in a cool dark place for 1 week and give it a shake everyday.

  • Strain out the cardamom and ginger through two layers of cheesecloth.

  • Transfer gin into gifting vessels.

KEYWORD: ginger co*cktail

Ginger Infused Gin co*cktail Recipe for Gifting - Sugar & Cloth (8)

Don’t forget to share your Ginger Infused Gin co*cktail with us on Instagram using the hashtag #sugarandclothloves. We always love seeing all of your creations! Looking for more quick and delicious recipes? You can find them all right here with a few bites to go along with them!

Ginger Infused Gin co*cktail Recipe for Gifting - Sugar & Cloth (2024)
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