How did Iroh get into the Spirit World? | Fandom (2024)


MasterAirbender02·3/15/2013in Netflix series

How did Iroh get into the Spirit World?

<p>So how did he?</p><p>I know this is an old subject but it is an interesting one nonetheless. We never got a clear answer on that. We have just assumptions.</p><p>We know he can see spirits ( He saw Aang , Roku and Fang flying above him).</p><p>We know he presumbably went into the S.W because Zhao said he heard rumours.</p><p>He is a spiritual person much like the Air Nomads . Learning the phylosophiesof all the four nations and inventing a whole subskill is nothing short of a great man.</p><p>So how did he manage to visit it? </p>

(Edited by administrators)

IrohSpirit WorldWinter Solstice, Part 1: The Spirit WorldThe Winter Solstice


<p>I have only one question. How cloud Zuko see spirits. In the first book He saw Aang and Roku's dragon, but how? o.O</p>

(Edited by Rezes)

Neo Bahamut·9/4/2015

Eh? Are you sure you're not thinking of Iroh?

(Edited by Neo Bahamut)


Sorry my mistake. He saw Katara and Appa. :/

(Edited by Rezes)

<p>My guess is he probably made friends with a particular spirit and that spirit allowed him to go into the Spirit World and he liked it so much, he stayed there. Eventually, after staying there so long, he himself turned into a spirit.</p>

(Edited by Lil Tinymouse)


<div class="quote"><i>Intelligence4 wrote:<br>iroh indeed isn't old enough to have known roku, but then how did he get the lost headpiece he gave to zuko? how old is iroh anyway? he looks pretty old in the show, old enough for june to think he was zuko's grandfather, but ozai, who doesn't look that old, is his brother, so there can't be <i>that </i>much of an age difference..?</i></div><br><p>Probably because Iroh was the oldest and therefore the prince when he was young, and he kept the headpiece after all these years.</p>

(Edited by Silithas)


<p>I wonder if Iroh's connection to dragons allowed him to see Aang, Roku, and Fang while in the spirit world. The only spirits that I can remember that were seen in the physical world are Hei Bei, the Painted Lady, Koh, Tui and La, and Wan Shi Tong. I think that we can discount Tui and La because they were spiritsrepresented in a physicalform. This is the same with Wan Shi Tong and Koh. I am not quite sure about the Painted Lady, because she was only seen by Katara, and we already know that Hei Bei was in his spiritual form. If the Painted Lady was in her spiritual form, then I believe that Katara was able to see her because of her connection with the spirit. I also believe that Hei Bei just allowed himself to be seen because of the destruction he was causing. I think that whether or not one can see a spirit in the physical world depends not only on how close to the physical world the spirit is but also its connection with a specific person or group. I think that combined with Aang, Roku, and Fang being close to the physical world, and Iroh's personal connection to dragons and his already developed spirituality, it allowed Iroh to see the spirits.</p>

(Edited by SpiceToTheMax)

O-kei Dou-kei·8/28/2018

<p>At first I thought the question was "How did Iroh get to the Spirit World by the time he met Korra?" and I was about to say, "meditation," but now that I see what you mean, I'm reminded that that this was one of the ideas Bryke left on the cutting room floor like Iroh's wife and countless other ideas between them and Ehasz that remind me that they either don't have the time ("Legend of Korra,") or have the time, but dick around too much ("Avatar: The Last Airbender). </p><p>I think the implication was the same incident that killed Lu Ten and probably also almost killed Iroh whether he tried to astrally find his son or the experience basically opened his mind's eye, but in either case, it was well known/believed enough for Zhao to both know and take him seriously on rather than write him off as a kook.</p>

(Edited by O-kei Dou-kei)


<p>he 420 blazed it until he was in it or drank some tea to help raise his spirit</p>

(Edited by Plank2x4)


I think, at least for his first trip to the spirit world he made a psychedelic tea, especially because he has an extreme love for tea. I think possibly meditating and having some sort of out of body Astral experience similar to Jinora. Although Jinora is an Airbender I personally don't think meditation and getting into the spirit world is reliant on that. I wonder of Zaheer achieved this.

(Edited by TaystyChakras)

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How did Iroh get into the Spirit World? | Fandom (2024)
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