Lemon Ricotta Cake Recipe (Gluten-Free Possible) - Mon Petit Four (2024)

This tasty lemon ricotta cake recipe is such a simple and delectable cake to whip up any day of the week. Whether you bake this in a classic cake pan or triple up the recipe ingredients and turn it into a lemon ricotta bundt cake, just know that you’ll be in for a total treat!

Italian Ricotta Cake

The French call this lemon cake a gâteau au citron et à la ricotta. It can also go by the name of gâteau italien à la ricotta because, of course, this lemon ricotta dessert is traditionally known as an Italian contribution.

Regardless of what it’s called, this easy lemon cake recipe is loved in many countries, and for good reason!

It’s probably right up there among my other lemon favorites, including my lemon tart and madeleines with lemon curd.

Easy Ricotta Cake: It’s all about the texture

Unlike lemon ricotta pound cake, this cake is incredibly light and delicate. The ricotta makes every bite of this cake feel like a bite of heaven in your mouth.

While it’s incredibly moist and looks much more compact than a classic yellow cake recipe, it’s much lighter on the palate.

A lot of the moisture has to do with the main star of the recipe (the ricotta), but it’s also a result of the apple used in the recipe.

The apple, while minimal in amount, adds moisture and density to the cake, although don’t mistake that for meaning this cake is heavy in any shape or form.

This tasty lemon ricotta cake is anything but.

Lemon Ricotta Cake Recipe (Gluten-Free Possible) - Mon Petit Four (1)Just know, however, that this cake won’t rise quite the same way as a bakery cake would.

Cutting into each slice, you’ll easily be able to see just how light and delicate this cake is. Dusted with powdered sugar, this lemon ricotta cake is perfectly capable of stunning, regardless of its simplicity.

Lemon Cake from Scratch

This lemon ricotta cake is also the very definition of easy. It’s really a foolproof cake that any level baker can make.

If you’re typically not a baker, then making a dessert like this lemon ricotta cake from scratch may not be something you’d instantly sign up to do.

But I’m telling you that it’s going to be as easy as it would be to make a lemon ricotta cake with box mix.

I love whipping this up for a casual dinner with friends or family because it’s just so darn simple.

I was particularly prompted to share this moist lemon cake recipe today after I recently made my tomato ricotta tart. I had leftover fresh ricotta and didn’t want it to go to waste, so I used it to create this dessert.

Lemon Ricotta Cake Recipe (Gluten-Free Possible) - Mon Petit Four (2)

A One-Bowl Recipe

This Italian lemon ricotta cake is a one-bowl kind of recipe, no fancy tools needed. It’s the kind of cake a French person would actually make at home.

In general, the French tend not to bake too much because they can easily get the best desserts at their local patisserie.

On occasion, however, they do like to bake something from scratch at home.

A one-bowl recipe like this could easily fit the bill and satisfy the needs of a French person for a simple, delicious dessert that requires only basic ingredients.

It also comes together pretty quickly, which is always nice when you’re looking for a dessert that’s not only effortless but quick too.

Lemon Ricotta Cake Recipe (Gluten-Free Possible) - Mon Petit Four (3)

I typically make this cake in a 6″ cake pan, but you can make a more shallow cake in an 8″ pan or double the recipe ingredients if you still want the height but want to use a larger pan.

I just find the 6″ pan a comfortable size for a quick dessert I can manage without a handful of guests over.

Does ricotta cake need to be refrigerated?

This cake does not need to be refrigerated. You can leave this cake out at room temperature for a couple of days. Like many other cake recipes, you should probably refrigerate the cake after a couple of days to preserve its freshness.

Can you freeze a ricotta cake?

If you want to freeze the ricotta cake, flip the cake out of the pan while it’s warm and wrap it tightly in plastic wrap. Then wrap the entire cake in foil and set in the freezer.

You can thaw the cake in the fridge overnight and then set it out on the counter to come to room temperature when you’re ready to serve.

Lemon Ricotta Cake Recipe (Gluten-Free Possible) - Mon Petit Four (4)

Does refrigerating a cake dry it out?

Refrigerating a cake will always dry a cake out, which is why it’s always optimal to leave a counter-friendly cake like this out when possible.

That said, you can prevent how dry your cake gets by wrapping the cake well in plastic wrap while it’s still warm if you do choose to refrigerate it.

How long does fresh ricotta last?

Fresh ricotta typically lasts one to two weeks. After a couple of weeks, you’ll definitely want to toss the ricotta to be on the safe side.

Lemon Ricotta Cake Recipe (Gluten-Free Possible) - Mon Petit Four (5)

Notes to Jot Down Before Baking

  • With one-bowl recipes, it can be tempting to over-stir the batter. Instead, stir everything just until they’re all mixed together and no longer. You’ll end up with a lighter cake.
  • For easy removal of your cake, grease your pan well with softened butter or baking spray and consider lining the bottom of the pan with a sheet of parchment paper cut to fit the pan.
  • While the apple amount is minimal in this recipe, it is important for proper moisture in your cake, so don’t skip it! Some readers have reported that subbing in 1/2 cup of unsweetened applesauce works too.
  • If you want to turn this into a gluten-free lemon ricotta cake recipe, then you can substitute almond flour for the all-purpose flour. Just note that you will want to reduce the oven temperature to 375°F or even 350°F as baked goods made with almond flour tend to brown a little quicker. Test for readiness using a toothpick inserted in the center.
  • For extra lemon flavor, you can try adding lemon extract (I would use 1/4 tsp – 1/2 tsp for the recipe below). Be careful with adding lemon juice as it can cause slight curdling of the batter.

Want to make your own homemade ricotta for this recipe and more? You won’t believe how easy it is! All you need is some milk, heavy cream, salt, and vinegar!

Lemon Ricotta Cake Recipe (Gluten-Free Possible) - Mon Petit Four (6)

Lemon Ricotta Cake Recipe (Gluten-Free Possible) - Mon Petit Four (7)

Lemon Ricotta Cake

Yield: 4

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 25 minutes

Total Time: 40 minutes

A light and super moist cake made with fresh ricotta and lemon.


  • 3 tbsp unsalted butter, (43 grams) softened, plus more for greasing pan
  • 5.5 tbsp granulated sugar, (69 grams)
  • 1 egg
  • 6 tbsp all-purpose flour, (47 grams)
  • 1 tsp baking powder, (4 grams)
  • pinch of salt
  • 1/3 cup ricotta, (81 grams)
  • zest of half a lemon
  • 1/3 a medium apple, (approx 1/3 cup) peeled and grated
  • powdered sugar, to dust the top with


  1. Preheat the oven to 400°F. Grease a 6" cake pan with some softened butter.
  2. In a large bowl, mix the butter and sugar together using a rubber spatula. When the two are combined and creamy, add in the egg and mix to combine.
  3. Pour in the flour, baking powder, and salt. Stir everything together.
  4. Then add in the ricotta, lemon zest, and grated apple. Again, stir everything to combine - there should be no visible clumps of flour or dry ingredients.
  5. Scrape the batter into the prepared cake pan and smooth out the batter. Bake the cake for approximately 25 minutes, until the cake is beginning to golden on top and the edges start to pull away from the sides of the pan.
  6. Let the cake cool in the pan for 15 minutes before flipping out onto a wire rack to cool completely. Dust the top with powdered sugar.
Nutrition Information:

Yield: 4Serving Size: 4 Servings
Amount Per Serving:Calories: 248

Lemon Ricotta Cake Recipe (Gluten-Free Possible) - Mon Petit Four (2024)


How do you keep a gluten free cake from crumbling? ›

Add extra liquid: Gluten-free flours tend to absorb more liquid than regular flour, so you may need to add more liquid to your recipes to compensate. This can help to keep your baked goods moist and prevent them from becoming dry and crumbly.

Does gluten free flour rise in cakes? ›

Gluten-free flour blends don't have the same elasticity as flour containing gluten so often the cakes don't rise as much or will sink after rising. To combat the flat cake problem, I add ½ tsp of bicarbonate of soda to the recipe even when using a self-raising gluten-free flour blend.

What is lemon ricotta cake made of? ›

Dry Ingredients: Gather all purpose flour, almond flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Wet Ingredients: Gather granulated sugar, lemon zest, butter, ricotta cheese, eggs, vanilla extract and lemon juice. If you would like to top with the cake as pictured, gather powdered sugar and lemon slices.

How do you keep gluten-free dough from crumbling? ›

Mix the Additives in Before the Wet Ingredients

Without it, gluten-free products can be dry and crumbly. There is a way to compensate for this however — use xanthan gum. Some bakers also use gelatin or agar. If you're using additives, mix them thoroughly with the dry ingredients before adding the wet.

What is the trick to gluten-free baking? ›

Gluten-free flours often contain fine starches, so they absorb more liquid than conventional flour. To address this, gluten-free recipes usually call for more liquid and produce looser batters. They may also call for a larger quantity of leavening, like baking powder, to help add volume and lighten the texture.

What is the best gluten-free flour for cake? ›

Almond Flour

This is why it has a fluffy, light texture and pale golden color. We often reach for almond flour in baking recipes when we're looking for a light, fluffy, cake-y texture with neutral flavor, because almond flour has a milder flavor than almond meal, and tends to fluff up nicely when baked!

Should gluten-free cake batter rest before baking? ›

Let Your Batters & Doughs Rest

We recommend covering your batters and doughs and letting them rest for at least half an hour. Note: This will also help batters become thicker and doughs to firm up.

Can I just replace flour with gluten-free flour? ›

Gluten-Free Bread Flour can be swapped 1:1 for all-purpose flour and bread flour by both weight and volume.

Can I substitute cream cheese for ricotta in cake? ›

Cream cheese: Cream cheese is made with milk and cream, while ricotta is made with just milk. The lower fat content makes the latter cheese slightly less creamy. However, cream cheese can still be substituted for ricotta.

Can I substitute sour cream for ricotta in cake? ›

As an alternative to Ricotta cheese, sour cream already has that tangy zing, so a little goes a long way! Bake or dip with it, just like you would with yogurt. But hold off on layering the cream in your classic dishes unless you're cooking up some fun twist like a bundt coffee cake!

What 3 foods should someone with celiac disease avoid? ›

A gluten-free diet generally means not eating most grains, pasta, cereals, and processed foods. The reason is that they usually contain wheat, rye, and barley.

What are 5 foods someone Cannot eat when they have celiac disease? ›

If you have coeliac disease, do not eat the following foods, unless they're labelled as gluten-free versions:
  • bread.
  • pasta.
  • cereals.
  • biscuits or crackers.
  • cakes and pastries.
  • pies.
  • gravies and sauces.

Why is gluten-free baking crumbly? ›

This might be due to the lack of gluten but can be for many other reasons. Lots of gluten free flour is rice based and this can result in a dry and slightly gritty texture. The Juvela gluten free White and Fibre Mix have been developed to be as comparable to gluten containing flour as possible.

Why do gluten-free cakes fall? ›

A cake that puffs up as it bakes and deflates as it cools usually has had air beaten into the batter too quickly or vigorously. Because our gluten-free flours are heavier than regular gluten-filled flour, we're tempted to keep beating in the dry ingredients to make sure they're blended. Resist that temptation.

Should you let gluten-free cake batter sit before baking? ›

As long as you have the time, it's better to let your batters and doughs sit. This will give flours and starches time to absorb liquid, which will prevent your recipes from developing a gritty, sandy texture.

How do you keep gluten-free cake fresh? ›

Any gluten-free cake will dry out super-fast and get hard on the outside if it's not properly refrigerated and covered. I swear by always using buttermilk and adding a little more fat into the batter to compensate for the dryness.

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Name: Domingo Moore

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Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.