Quick and Easy Mayonnaise Cookies Recipe (2024)

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Mayonnaise Cookies are a thing. And you should probably give them a try. They’re perfect for when you don’t have eggs or oil and you’re desperate for a dessert. Similar to a sugar cookie, this recipe is easy and one that you need to try at least once. It may even become a family favorite.

If you didn’t know you could bake with mayo, you can! Even if you aren’t a fan of this condiment, you need to know that there are many desserts that you can make that are fantastic!

I was sent Hellman’s to use for a challenge they held. This was originally posted in 2012. But I had to reshare because how weird do Mayonnaise Cookies sound?!

Quick and Easy Mayonnaise Cookies Recipe (1)

Let me be clear. I don’t like mayonnaise. I HATE the smell (it makes me gag). I refuse to eat mayonnaise-based salads and I would never dream about eating a sandwich or burger that has mayo on it. Gross.

BUT! I can tolerate it mixed with tuna. And it’s kind of amazing when used in baking or making grilled cheeses.

So because I was using mayo in a recipe for Chipotle Lime Crusted Chicken I decided to make some Mayo Cookies too!

I participated in Hellmann’s (yup, Mayo!) Chicken Change-Up. My family was blown away. Because, again, I don’t like mayonnaise. But I was determined to figure out a way that I could authentically participate and use a product that I don’t love.

I’m all about easy dinner recipes so I found a chicken recipe to make. But I also remembered that I saw (and freaked out about) my brother-in-law use mayonnaise to make his wife a birthday cake when there were no eggs around.

Mind blown. So I decided to see if I could put mayonnaise in cookies and like how they tasted. Spoiler: I did! And I have used mayo in a few other desserts too: Chocolate Mayo Cupcakes and Chocolate Mayo Cake.

Quick and Easy Mayonnaise Cookies Recipe (2)

Can mayonnaise replace eggs in baking?

Yes! Mayonnaise is made with eggs, oil and vinegar, so it kind of makes sense to think that it would be great in baked goods! Each of these items is crucial to baking a delicious treat so mayo is really an efficient way to bake!

Everything that I’ve read says that mayo helps to make a cake super moist – which is a fantastic trait to have in a cake (although I’ll eat cake just about any way it’s given to me…).

Need more info? Check out these tips and tricks for cooking with mayonnaise.

How do you substitute mayonnaise in a cake or cookie recipe?

Substitute the same amount of mayonnaise for the amount of oil the recipe calls for and then leave out the eggs.

It has been said that if starting with a boxed cake mix, you need to add a little bit more water to get the correct consistency so you may need to play around with it to get it perfect.

And you can easily swap out the eggs and oil for a cookie recipe too!

How to Make Mayonnaise Sugar Cookies

I will admit, it was hard to smell the mayo as I was making them. I breathed through my mouth. A lot.

Quick and Easy Mayonnaise Cookies Recipe (3)


  • 1 cup sugar
  • 2 cups flour
  • 1 cup mayonnaise
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • pinch of salt
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • extra sugar for dusting the cookies


  • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
  • Mix together sugar, flour, baking soda, and salt.
  • Add mayo and vanilla.
  • Mix together very well.
  • Shape into small balls.
  • Spread out the cookies on a cookie sheet with parchment paper.
  • Press down with a fork, sprinkle with sugar.
  • Bake approximately 12 minutes in a 350 degree F oven.

I decided to make these mayo cookies 3 different ways.

First, I followed the recipe with just a sprinkle of sugar on top.

Second, I tried usingmy favorite spiced sugarthat has a touch of vanilla and cinnamon for sprinkling.

Lastly, I rolled the entire dough ball in sugar before squashing them with a fork.

Quick and Easy Mayonnaise Cookies Recipe (4)

The cookies come out of the oven golden brown, super crispy and taste very similar to a sugar cookie. I think my favorite cookies were the ones where I rolled the whole cookie dough ball all the way in sugar (very much like you do with a peanut butter cookie).

Those browned up really nice on the bottom and were headed towards caramel-y. Does that make any sense at all? But I think next time, I would roll the dough in the spiced sugar all the way around.

That would have added a touch of something extra special. If I hadn’t told my friends that these were made with mayo, I’m pretty sure they would never have guessed.

The mayonnaise cookie recipe was a smidge on the greasy side, so I suggest using a touch less mayo then the recipe calls for.

For some reason, I didn’t think to check if Hellmann’s had cookie recipes on their site. But they totally do! Who knew you could make mayonnaise desserts!

Have you ever used mayonnaise in a dessert recipe before? I’d love to hear your thoughts on the subject. And let me know if you decide to make these Mayo Sugar Cookies!

  • Berry Basil Sugar Cookie Bruschetta
  • Kitchen Sink Oreo Balls
  • Apple Butterscotch Cookies
  • Sunbutter Cookies
  • Orange Snickerdoodles
  • Cherry Chip Cake Mix Cookies

Quick and Easy Mayonnaise Cookies Recipe (5)

Mayonnaise Cookies

I know it sounds crazy but Mayonnaise Cookies are really tasty. Even for people, like me, who don't like mayo!Make a batch of these Mayo Cookies and see what you think!

4.59 from 17 votes

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Course: Dessert

Cuisine: American

Prep Time: 5 minutes minutes

Cook Time: 12 minutes minutes

Total Time: 17 minutes minutes

Servings: 12 cookies

Calories: 268kcal

Author: Sharon Garofalow



  • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

  • Mix together sugar, flour, baking soda, and salt.

  • Add mayo and vanilla.

  • Mix well.

  • Shape into small balls.

  • Place the cookie balls on to a cookie sheet covered with parchment paper.

  • Press down with a fork and sprinkle with sugar.

  • Bake approximately 12 minutes in a 350 degree F oven.


These cookies can be a bit greasy so consider that if you want to wrap them in parchment for a cute package idea.

You can’t taste mayonnaise in your baked desserts. It basically melts into the batter.

This base cookie is easy to add other flavors to like lemon zest, cinnamon, cocoa or even almond extract.


Serving: 1cookie | Calories: 268kcal | Carbohydrates: 33g | Protein: 2g | Fat: 14g | Saturated Fat: 2g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 8g | Monounsaturated Fat: 3g | Trans Fat: 1g | Cholesterol: 8mg | Sodium: 214mg | Potassium: 27mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 17g | Vitamin A: 12IU | Calcium: 5mg | Iron: 1mg

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Quick and Easy Mayonnaise Cookies Recipe (2024)


Can you use mayonnaise instead of eggs in cookies? ›

Mayonnaise. Eggs are a key ingredient in mayonnaise, so it makes sense that it can be a perfect substitute when you're out of eggs. Use 3 tablespoons of mayo as an egg substitute.

Can I use mayo instead of butter in cookies? ›

Why should you use mayonnaise in your baking? Because mayo makes the cookies ultra-moist, and you can use it as a substitute for butter in many recipes. While the recipe might sound a little strange, these cookies are delicious and taste similar to a classic sugar cookie.

What does mayonnaise do in baking? ›

Cake batters, brownie batters, cookie doughs, and dinner rolls can work with the richness mayo has to offer. The mayo will fulfill its duties and lend plenty of moisture and richness to the finished dish.

What is the secret to making cookies soft and chewy? ›

Cornstarch gives the cookies that ultra soft consistency we all love. Plus, it helps keep the cookies beautifully thick. We use the same trick when making shortbread cookies. Egg yolk: Another way to promise a super chewy chocolate chip cookie is to use an extra egg yolk.

How much mayonnaise equals 2 eggs? ›

Replacing Eggs

Luckily, mayo makes an excellent egg substitute. The egg yolks in mayo provide the same binding, leavening, and moisture that eggs do in baking. As a general rule, you can replace one whole egg with 1/4 cup of mayonnaise. So if a recipe calls for two eggs, use 1/2 cup mayo.

How much mayonnaise can I substitute for 2 eggs? ›

If you have a jar of mayo in the fridge, you can use 3 tablespoons in place of one egg. "Mayonnaise has been used as an egg substitute because of its moistening properties and is best suited for cakes with strong flavors, like spice cakes and chocolate cakes," Tutunjian says.

How much mayonnaise is equal to one egg? ›

Simply sub 3 tablespoons of mayo for each egg in your recipe. In addition to eggs, you could also try swapping out butter for mayo for a crunchier cookie.

What does mayo replace in baking? ›

Its components make it a perfectly suitable substitute for oil, its thick and creamy constitution is similar to that of softened butter, and since it already has eggs in it, mayonnaise exhibits some of the binding power of eggs when cooked.

Can I substitute mayo for oil in cookies? ›

Mayonnaise, the least likely of the bunch, actually gives the closest result to having used oil, and it retains the flavors of your cake or whatever baked good you are creating very well! Yogurt and sour cream also work in a pinch, but do change the flavor profile a tad.

What happens when you add vinegar to mayonnaise? ›

After you've whisked the yolks, add a few drops of vinegar or lemon juice. The acid helps stabilize the emulsion by allowing the egg yolks to absorb more fat, making it much easier to make mayonnaise.

What does vinegar do in mayonnaise? ›

It is the most common acid used in the preservation of mayonnaise because it has antiseptic value and also helps prevent deterioration and rancidity (21). Vinegar is usually added together with other acids such as lactic acid to keep the pH of the mayonnaise low (between 3.3 and 3.8).

Can you add mayonnaise to box cake mix? ›

1 box of chocolate cake mix 1 cup of mayo Sub mayo in place of the oil and eggs called for on your box of chocolate cake mix, add water as instructed, and bake as instructed. Top with frosting of choice (I made a chocolate glaze) and enjoy! It does not taste like mayonnaise but it is incredibly rich and moist!

Should I use baking soda or baking powder in cookies? ›

Baking soda is typically used for chewy cookies, while baking powder is generally used for light and airy cookies. Since baking powder is comprised of a number of ingredients (baking soda, cream of tartar, cornstarch, etc.), using it instead of pure baking soda will affect the taste of your cookies.

What can I substitute for an egg in cookies? ›

You can whisk 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, 2 tablespoons of water and 2 teaspoons of baking powder together to replace each egg in baked goods like cookies, brownies or quick breads. This substitution won't impact a recipes' flavor profile the way egg substitutions like mashed banana or flaxseed might.

What can I put in cookies if I don't have eggs? ›

A simple combination of water, baking powder, and vegetable oil mimics eggs almost to a T. It's a great option for cookies, quick breads, and brownies.

Is it safe to bake mayonnaise? ›

Avoid heating mayonnaise above 140°F as this causes dangerous microorganisms to thrive. Heat the mayonnaise for a minimal amount of time to avoid giving bacteria time to multiply. Store heated mayonnaise in the refrigerator and throw away any leftovers after two hours.

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