The Backrooms, a liminal space so internet-famous it spawned its own canon, has been found in the real world by 4 sleuths on a Discord server (2024)

The Backrooms, a liminal space so internet-famous it spawned its own canon, has been found in the real world by 4 sleuths on a Discord server (1)

The origin of the Backrooms, a photo of a liminal space deemed so eerie it earned internet and gaming stardom, has been uncovered by four image-savvy detectives scrubbing 4chan, and a chance encounter with an archived internet page from 2003.

In case you're unfamiliar with what the Backrooms are, here's the rundown. In 2019, an image was posted to 4chan displaying an eerie set of rooms devoid of natural light—capturing people's imaginations so vividly that it spawned its own lore.

It's considered a liminal space, which is loosely defined as an area that's not quite surreal, but getting close. It's the manmade equivalent of the uncanny valley, a building or a space crafted from normal parts, but arranged in an abnormal and unsettling way. Hallways that lead to nowhere, rooms serving no natural purpose, brutalist interiors with flickering lights or, in some cases, swimming pools. There's no exact criteria for what comprises a liminal space—you know one when you see one. Also, maybe there's a spooky little monster that'll jump you and steal all your bones.

That last bit has been the origin of a lot of indie horror games including (deep breath) Escape the Backrooms, Inside the Backrooms, Backrooms Rec, The Backrooms 1998, and many more derivatives that don't quite mirror the Backrooms, though quoteth its vibe.

There's even an SCP-style wiki page documenting heaps of levels, ranging from accursed farmsteads to a roller rink spanning hundreds of miles. References have also made their way into other games—in Remnant 2, for example, you need to access the Backrooms to unlock a secret archetype.

What scaffolding underpins this sprawling labyrinth of internet culture? Turns out, a humble racing hobby shop that was having some renovations over two decades ago. Speaking with 404Media's Jason Koebler, the sleuths said their investigation into this uncanny space spanned multiple years, inspired by a 2022 video from liminal aficionado Virtual Carbon. Taking to the YouTuber's Discord, they set to work.

These demystifying musketeers go by the names of Semilot, Serrara, Leon, and Xaft. The team revealed to Koebler that they'd used a tool to scrub 4chan for the image's exact dimensions ("62kb and 640x480") and discovered, by running old threads through a different archive, perhaps the oldest shared version of the backrooms image—a 4Chan snapshot from 2011 with the filename "Dsc00161".

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Turns out that someone might have cracked the case back in 2019, connecting the Backrooms to Hobbytown Oshkosh, a chain store in Wisconsin that sells "hobby-related merchandise including model aeroplanes, remote-controlled cars & games", though the link in said tweet is broken.

Fortunately, the Internet Archive is a thing—and it just so happened to have a version of the page from 2003. In an extremely fitting twist of fate, every single picture on the page except for the Backrooms is broken.

The page has (or had, rather) before and after pictures of the store's renewal. Below the images, the site reads: "Above is the original view of the East (Oval) room. Notice no windows are visible? You can not see in the pictures the extent of water damage, but it was there requiring all of this material to come out."

"The owners were really cool too, they pretty much instantly helped out and provided information about the photo," Leon tells Koebler.

It's a revelation that surprised Hobbytown Oshkosh's staff and owners most of all. Heading to the store's facebook page, an announcement reads: "Your Oshkosh building, come to find out, is weirdly and awesomely famous on the internet for a picture that was taken there a long time ago. A genre of photos called 'liminal spaces' and 'back rooms' that are both nostalgic and a little weird. It's fascinating stuff and pretty fun." Here's a picture of the Backrooms in 2017, as shared by the store.

The Backrooms, a liminal space so internet-famous it spawned its own canon, has been found in the real world by 4 sleuths on a Discord server (2)

So there you have it. The Backrooms, images that spawned an entire Wiki's worth of lore, several games, and a resurgence of interest in liminal spaces, were humble photos taken during renovations of a chain hobby store which now has a cool RC race track in it.

Honestly, this is one of those behind-the-curtain-peeks that just adds to the mythos. A 'level' of the Backrooms can be just about anything from an arcade to a coffee shop, so the Hobbytown Oshkosh could cosily nestle into the current canon. The detail sticking in my mind, however, is that 2003 Wayback Machine page. What are the chances that the two most liminal images from the store's history would survive the test of time? The internet has been strange this week.

The Backrooms, a liminal space so internet-famous it spawned its own canon, has been found in the real world by 4 sleuths on a Discord server (3)

Harvey Randall

Staff Writer

Harvey's history with games started when he first begged his parents for a World of Warcraft subscription aged 12, though he's since been cursed with Final Fantasy 14-brain and a huge crush on G'raha Tia. He made his start as a freelancer, writing for websites like Techradar, The Escapist, Dicebreaker, The Gamer, Into the Spine—and of course, PC Gamer. He'll sink his teeth into anything that looks interesting, though he has a soft spot for RPGs, soulslikes, roguelikes, deckbuilders, MMOs, and weird indie titles. He also plays a shelf load of TTRPGs in his offline time. Don't ask him what his favourite system is, he has too many.

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The Backrooms, a liminal space so internet-famous it spawned its own canon, has been found in the real world by 4 sleuths on a Discord server (2024)


Where are the Backrooms in real life? ›

The Backrooms aren't real.

That is to say, The Backrooms are a fictional creepypasta, or online urban legend, that don't actually exist in real life. They're not a place you can actually go, but they are fun to think and theorize about.

Is the Backrooms a real game? ›

The Backrooms have been adapted into numerous video games, including on the platforms Steam and Roblox. An indie game was released by Pie on a Plate Productions two months after the original creepypasta, and was positively reviewed for its atmosphere but received criticism for its short length.

What is the Backrooms quote? ›

"If you're not careful and you noclip out of reality in the wrong areas, you'll end up in the Backrooms, where it's nothing but the stink of old moist carpet, the madness of mono-yellow, the endless background noise of fluorescent lights at maximum hum-buzz, and approximately six hundred million square miles of ...

How do I get to the Backrooms? ›

Look for a wall that's the wrong color or seems “off” and think pleasant thoughts as you lean against it to get into the Backrooms. You'll only break into the Backrooms if you “noclip” through the wall the same way your character might noclip through a wall in a video game.

Where is level 188 in real life? ›

The location is Holiday Inn London Heathrow T4.

What is the backrooms 1998 story? ›

The Backrooms: 1998 is a is a first-person found footage psychological survival horror game where it tells the story of a young teen after accidentally falling into the depths of The Backrooms in 1998. Roam freely, mark, explore and try unravel the story - however you are not alone. Don't scream or it will hear you.

Is Backrooms an SCP? ›

The Backrooms are NOT an SCP, but if they were, how would The SCP Foundation contain them? As a quick primer, The Backrooms. are sort of alternate universe that one can fall into through spatial anomalies. This is colloquially known as “noclipping,”.

How to exit level 0 backrooms? ›

See the 'Basics of the Backrooms' guide for more information. The Fortresses of Level 283 rarely contain wooden doors that smell of mold; entering these doors will lead to Level 0. Exiting Level 0 is only possible by no-clipping, which will always result in entry to Level 1.

What is noclipping? ›

to glitch through solid environments, such as walls, in video game so as to reach for another destination.

Is Backrooms getting a movie? ›

A24, an independent American film production company, is preparing an upcoming horror film, “The Backrooms,” that is set to release in early 2024. This movie has the potential to open the door for more creative horror concepts and be a source of inspiration to those looking to break into the film industry.

What is the Backrooms Netflix? ›

A mystery series revolving around a plot to get inside a mysterious alternate dimension known as The Backrooms. A mystery series revolving around a plot to get inside a mysterious alternate dimension known as The Backrooms.

Can you be sent to the Backrooms in real life? ›

The Backrooms are not a real place.

Is Backrooms an app? ›

Backrooms Descent: Horror Game on the App Store.

What if a kid enters the Backrooms? ›

If a kid enters the backrooms, mainly good things will happen. Luckily, the entities will become more friendly and more docile. With this, fewer entities will also appear. Also, supplies like food and water. will become more readily available for children.

Is the backroom in Super Bear Adventure real? ›

Added in 10.1. 0 version of the game, The Backrooms is an Easter egg referencing a trending internet creepypasta with the same name. Following the original purpose, it's a floor maze of 90's styled corridors looping, with buzzing lights and musty yellow carpet on the floor and walls with an...

Where is Backrooms available? ›

Backrooms: Realm of Shadows | Download and Buy Today - Epic Games Store.

What are the true backrooms? ›

The True Backrooms is a horror Roblox game created by Kord_K, based on The Backrooms creepypasta. In the game, players have to traverse through and survive four different stages of The Backrooms. The Backrooms is a mysterious place measuring around 600 million square miles.

Where are the Backrooms on Google Earth? ›

The first and most famous backroom spotted in Google Earth is located in the middle of Nara, Japan, at coordinates 34°42'03.5"N 135°49'16.6"E. When you toggle into street view, you find an odd office-like space... turned upside down.

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