Becoming a Permanent Resident in Costa Rica: Your Guide (2024)

If you’re considering a move to Costa Rica, obtaining permanent residency is an essential step. Not only does it provide legal stability and peace of mind, but it also opens up a world of opportunities in terms of work, education, and healthcare.

At CRIE, we understand the complexities of the immigration and residency process, and we’re here to assist you every step of the way. Our team of experts is well-versed in Costa Rica’s residency laws and regulations, and we’re committed to helping you achieve your residency goals.

Key Takeaways:

  • Obtaining permanent residency in Costa Rica is crucial for legal stability and access to opportunities.
  • CRIE is available to provide expert guidance and assistance throughout the residency process.

Requirements for Permanent Residency in Costa Rica

Individuals interested in obtaining permanent residency in Costa Rica must meet certain requirements and guidelines set forth by the government. These requirements vary depending on the category of residency being pursued.

Pensionado (Retiree) Residency

For pensionado residency, applicants must be able to prove a monthly income of at least $1,000 USD from a pension or retirement account. This income must be guaranteed for the rest of the applicant’s life. In addition, applicants must be able to provide a clean criminal record from their country of origin.

Rentista (Income Earner) Residency

For rentista residency, applicants must be able to prove a monthly income of at least $2,500 USD for two years or show a bank account statement with a balance of at least $60,000 USD. In addition, applicants must be able to provide a clean criminal record from their country of origin, as well as proof of health insurance coverage while in Costa Rica.

Inversionista (Investor) Residency

For inversionista residency, applicants must invest at least $200,000 USD in a Costa Rican business or property. In addition, applicants must be able to provide a clean criminal record from their country of origin, as well as proof of health insurance coverage while in Costa Rica.

Regardless of the type of residency being pursued, all applicants must pass a medical exam to ensure they are in good health and do not pose a risk to public health in Costa Rica. They must also provide a police clearance certificate from their country of origin and undergo an interview with a Costa Rican consular official.

Becoming a Permanent Resident in Costa Rica: Your Guide (1)

It is important to note that the requirements and guidelines for obtaining permanent residency in Costa Rica are subject to change. It is recommended that applicants consult with a reputable immigration lawyer or agency to ensure they have the most up-to-date information and guidance on the process.

Benefits of Permanent Residency in Costa Rica

Obtaining permanent residency in Costa Rica comes with many benefits, making it an attractive option for those seeking to live abroad. Aside from the beautiful scenery and tropical climate, permanent residency offers:

  • Legal working status: As a permanent resident, individuals have the right to work legally in Costa Rica and can apply for a work permit without the need for a sponsor.
  • Access to healthcare and education: Permanent residents are eligible to join the public healthcare system and can also enroll in public schools and universities.
  • Path to citizenship: After three years of continuous residency, permanent residents can apply for citizenship, which provides additional benefits such as the right to vote and the ability to obtain a Costa Rican passport.
  • Lower cost of living: Costa Rica has a relatively low cost of living compared to the United States and many European countries, making it an affordable destination for retirees or those seeking a more affordable lifestyle.
  • Business opportunities: As a permanent resident, individuals can start and operate a business in Costa Rica, which can be a lucrative option for entrepreneurs.

Additionally, the Costa Rica residency program offers a variety of benefits to permanent residents. The program includes discounts on utilities, transportation, healthcare, and tourism. It also provides access to various government services and programs, such as assistance with starting a business or obtaining a driver’s license.

Becoming a Permanent Resident in Costa Rica: Your Guide (2)

“Obtaining permanent residency in Costa Rica is a smart choice for those seeking to live abroad. It offers a range of benefits, from legal working status to access to healthcare and education. With the added advantage of the Costa Rica residency program, permanent residency provides a comfortable and affordable lifestyle in a beautiful tropical destination.”

The Process of Obtaining Permanent Residency in Costa Rica

Obtaining permanent residency in Costa Rica is a multi-step process that requires patience and careful attention to detail. The process begins with a visit to the Costa Rican consulate in the applicant’s home country or a visit to Costa Rica on a tourist visa.

Once in Costa Rica, the applicant must gather all required documentation, which varies depending on the type of residency being sought. Some common documents include a police clearance certificate, a birth certificate, and proof of income or financial stability.

Next, the applicant must submit their application to the Costa Rican Department of Immigration. This step can often take several months, during which time the applicant’s documentation will be reviewed and background checks will be conducted.

If the application is approved, the applicant will then be issued a temporar y residence permit. This permit is valid for a period of one to two years, during which time the applicant must continue to meet the requirements for permanent residency.

After the temporary permit has expired, the applicant must submit a renewal application and undergo another background check. If all requirements are met and there are no red flags in the background check, the applicant will be granted permanent residency.

It’s important to note that the process of obtaining permanent residency in Costa Rica can be complex and time-consuming. Working with a reputable immigration specialist, such as CRIE, can help streamline the process and ensure that all requirements are met in a timely manner.

Becoming a Permanent Resident in Costa Rica: Your Guide (3)

Overall, obtaining permanent residency in Costa Rica can be a rewarding and life-changing experience for those seeking a long-term stay in the country. With careful planning and perseverance, it is possible to navigate the process and enjoy all that Costa Rica has to offer as a permanent resident.

Living as a Permanent Resident in Costa Rica

For those planning a long-term stay in Costa Rica, becoming a permanent resident is a wise decision. Not only does it offer legal status, but it also provides access to benefits such as healthcare, education, and the ability to work legally. As a permanent resident, expats can also apply for citizenship after a certain period of time. But what is life like as a permanent resident in Costa Rica?

One of the biggest perks of living in Costa Rica is the low cost of living. Housing options vary from city apartments to beachfront villas, and most expats find that their money goes further than it did in their home country. The local cuisine is also a highlight, with fresh seafood, tropical fruits, and locally grown coffee.

Transportation options include buses, taxis, and rental cars, but many expats choose to invest in a vehicle for their personal use. Private healthcare is available and affordable, and the public healthcare system is also an option for those on a tight budget.

For those seeking entertainment and adventure, Costa Rica does not disappoint. With its vast array of national parks, beaches, and outdoor activities, residents can enjoy everything from white-water rafting to zip-lining through the jungle. The country also hosts a number of festivals throughout the year, celebrating everything from music to food to the environment.

Living as an expat in Costa Rica also requires an open mind and a willingness to adapt to a new culture. Learning the local language and customs can go a long way in making new connections and building a sense of community. Costa Ricans are known for being friendly and welcoming, and many expats find themselves feeling right at home in no time.

Becoming a Permanent Resident in Costa Rica: Your Guide (4)

“Costa Rica is a land of wonder and opportunity. Living here as a permanent resident is an experience like no other, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.” – Jane, US expat living in Costa Rica.

Becoming a Permanent Resident in Costa Rica: Your Essential Guide

Obtaining permanent residency in Costa Rica is a crucial step for those who plan to make this beautiful country their long-term home. As a permanent resident, you can enjoy numerous benefits, including legal employment, access to healthcare and education, and the option to apply for citizenship. To ensure a smooth and successful residency process, it’s helpful to work with an expert in immigration and residency matters. The Costa Rican Investment Promotion Agency (CRIE) offers a wide range of resources to help individuals navigate the residency process with ease.

Requirements for Permanent Residency in Costa Rica

In order to obtain permanent residency in Costa Rica, applicants must meet specific criteria and submit the required documentation. There are several categories of residency, including pensionado (retiree) residency, rentista (income earner) residency, and inversionista (investor) residency. Each category has its own unique set of requirements. Pensionado residency, for example, requires applicants to have a pension income of at least $1,000 per month. Rentista residency, on the other hand, requires proof of a steady income stream of at least $2,500 per month for two years. Inversionista residency requires a minimum investment of $200,000 in a Costa Rican property or business. It’s important to carefully review the requirements for each category before submitting an application.

Benefits of Permanent Residency in Costa Rica

Obtaining permanent residency in Costa Rica offers a wealth of benefits. As a permanent resident, you can work legally in the country and apply for citizenship after a certain period of time. You will also have access to the country’s healthcare and education systems. The Costa Rica residency program also offers additional benefits, such as exemption from certain taxes and the ability to import personal goods without paying customs fees. These benefits can make life in Costa Rica even more enjoyable for permanent residents.

The Process of Obtaining Permanent Residency in Costa Rica

The process of obtaining permanent residency in Costa Rica can be complex and time-consuming. Applicants must submit a variety of documentation, including police clearance certificates, birth certificates, and proof of income or investment. It’s important to work with an expert in immigration and residency matters to ensure that all required documentation is submitted accurately and on time. The process can take several months, and it’s important to be patient and persistent. Despite potential challenges, the end result of obtaining permanent residency in Costa Rica is well worth the effort.

Living as a Permanent Resident in Costa Rica

Living as a permanent resident in Costa Rica offers a unique and rewarding experience. The cost of living is generally lower than in many other countries, and there are numerous housing options available, from modern apartments to traditional homes. Costa Rica’s healthcare system is highly regarded, with both public and private options available. The public transportation system is also well-developed, making it easy to get around the country. The expat community in Costa Rica is welcoming and diverse, offering a variety of social and cultural opportunities. It’s important to respect local customs and traditions, and to learn Spanish to fully integrate into Costa Rican society.


Obtaining permanent residency in Costa Rica is an important step for those who wish to make this beautiful country their long-term home. Working with an expert in immigration and residency matters, such as the Costa Rican Investment Promotion Agency (CRIE), can help make the process smoother and more successful. The benefits of permanent residency in Costa Rica are numerous, including legal employment, access to healthcare and education, and the option to apply for citizenship. With patience, persistence, and a willingness to embrace the local culture, living as a permanent resident in Costa Rica can be a truly rewarding experience.

-Article byGlenn Tellier(Founder ofCRIEandGrupo Gap).


Becoming a Permanent Resident in Costa Rica: Your Guide (5)


Q: What are the benefits of obtaining permanent residency in Costa Rica?

A: The benefits of permanent residency in Costa Rica include the ability to work legally, access to healthcare and education, and the option to apply for citizenship after a certain period of time. Additionally, permanent residency offers stability and security for individuals who plan to make Costa Rica their long-term home.

Q: What are the different categories of permanent residency in Costa Rica?

A: There are several categories of permanent residency in Costa Rica, including pensionado (retiree) residency, rentista (income earner) residency, and inversionista (investor) residency. Each category has its own specific criteria and documentation requirements.

Q: What is the process for obtaining permanent residency in Costa Rica?

A: The process for obtaining permanent residency in Costa Rica involves submitting an application, providing the required documentation, and completing any additional steps that may be necessary. It is important to follow the correct procedures and meet all the requirements outlined by the Costa Rican government.

Q: Can I work in Costa Rica with permanent residency?

A: Yes, one of the benefits of permanent residency in Costa Rica is the ability to work legally. Once you obtain permanent residency, you can seek employment opportunities in Costa Rica and enjoy the benefits of being an official resident.

Q: How long does the permanent residency application process take?

A: The timeline for the permanent residency application process can vary depending on various factors, such as the category of residency and the efficiency of document processing. Generally, the process can take several months to a year. It is important to plan accordingly and allow for sufficient time for the application to be processed.

Q: What is the cost of living like in Costa Rica?

A: The cost of living in Costa Rica can vary depending on various factors, including location, lifestyle choices, and personal preferences. Generally, Costa Rica offers a lower cost of living compared to many other countries, making it an attractive option for individuals seeking a more affordable lifestyle.

Q: Can I apply for citizenship after obtaining permanent residency in Costa Rica?

A: Yes, once you have obtained permanent residency in Costa Rica, you have the option to apply for citizenship after a certain period of time. The specific requirements and timeline for citizenship eligibility will depend on the category of residency you hold.

Q: How can CRIE assist me in the immigration and residency process?

A: CRIE is an expert in immigration, residency, and citizenship matters in Costa Rica. They can provide guidance and assistance throughout the entire process of obtaining permanent residency. Whether you need help with the application, document preparation, or navigating the requirements, CRIE is there to support you every step of the way.

Want to invest? –Click HERE.
Looking for Real Estate? –Click HERE.
Looking for a Relocate Tour –Click HERE.
Need Residency status in Costa Rica? –Click HERE.

Article by Glenn Tellier (Founder of CRIE and Grupo Gap)

See If You Qualify For Residency Today!

Tags: Becoming a Permanent Resident in Costa Rica, Costa Rica Citizenship, Costa Rica Immigration, Costa Rica Immigration Lawyer, costa rica immigration process, costa rica immigration requirements, costa rica immigration services, Costa Rica Permanent Residency, Costa Rica Residency, costa rica residency cost, costa rica residency process, costa rica residency programs, Costa Rica Residency Requirements, costa rica visa requirements, costa rica work permit, Immigrating to Costa Rica, obtaining residency in costa rica, Permanent Residency in Costa Rica, Residency in Costa Rica

Becoming a Permanent Resident in Costa Rica: Your Guide (2024)


Becoming a Permanent Resident in Costa Rica: Your Guide? ›

You can only apply for a permanent residence permit from the start if you have blood relations with a Costa Rican. Otherwise, you may apply for permanent residence after spending three years with a temporary residence permit.

How do I become a permanent resident of Costa Rica? ›

You can only apply for a permanent residence permit from the start if you have blood relations with a Costa Rican. Otherwise, you may apply for permanent residence after spending three years with a temporary residence permit.

How much money do you need to get residency in Costa Rica? ›

Becoming a Costa Rican citizen doesn't have much in the way of physical presence requirements. You can obtain a residency permit valid for two years by investing $150,000 in property, stocks, or an existing or new business.

Do you get residency if you buy property in Costa Rica? ›

By acquiring a property, with a minimum threshold of $200,000 to $250,000, you can become eligible for the resident investor visa category. This means that by owning real estate in Costa Rica, you'll have legal residency that will allow you to perform almost all activities that a Costa Rican citizen can do.

How much does it cost to become a citizen of Costa Rica? ›

Program at a glance
Program TypeGolden Visa Program
Minimum investmentUS$100,000
Physical presence requirementNone at temporary stage, 180 days a year to obtain permanent residency
Application processing time9 months
Citizenship grants visa-free travel to149 destinations, including Schengen countries
3 more rows

Can a US citizen move to Costa Rica permanently? ›

Residency Options in Costa Rica

The above-mentioned “pensionado” and “ rentista” programs will grant you a temporary residency. Once you've been a temporary resident for three years, you can apply for permanent residence.

Can an American move to Costa Rica permanently? ›

Can a US citizen live permanently in Costa Rica? Citizens of any country can become permanent residents in Costa Rica. In order to do this, they need to possess a temporary resident permit for at least three years. However, a first-degree relative to a Costa Rican can receive permanent residency faster.

Can I live in Costa Rica on $2000 a month? ›

Cost of living, of course, depends on lifestyle. But in many ways Costa Rica is much more affordable than back home. A single person can live on between $1,600 and $2,000 a month. Some single people scrape by on considerably less, and others spend hundreds of dollars more, depending on their lifestyle.

Can a US citizen own a home in Costa Rica? ›

The good news is yes, citizens of the USA can buy property in Costa Rica. In fact, by law all foreigners usually have the same rights to buy, build, sell or rent property as Costa Rican nationals. Your bank account might stop you from buying a property like this, but your passport won't.

Do residents of Costa Rica pay taxes? ›

Income taxes on individuals in Costa Rica are levied on local income irrespective of nationality and resident status. For individuals domiciled in Costa Rica, any income obtained within the boundaries of Costa Rica is considered as Costa Rican-source income and is taxable.

How long does permanent residency last in Costa Rica? ›

Permanent Residency in Costa Rica allows working as an employee for a Costa Rican employer and the minimum requirement of annual stay is to visit the country once a year for 72 hours. Permanent residence is individual and does not include dependents. Permanent residency must be renewed every 5 years.

What are the benefits of having residency in Costa Rica? ›

Permanent Residency: Freedom to Work and Live

Permanent residency also offers other benefits, such as the possibility of accessing social and health services on equal terms with Costa Rican citizens, as well as the option to apply for citizenship after an established period of residency.

What are the benefits of becoming a resident in Costa Rica? ›

Once your Residency is approved, you will be registered with the Social Security and Public Health Care System (CCSS or Caja), which covers pre-existing conditions. Less hassle opening a local bank account. Banks in Costa Rica discourage or phasing out personal bank accounts for those who do not have legal residence.

Can a US citizen have dual citizenship with Costa Rica? ›

Dual citizenship is de facto allowed; naturalized citizens are not usually required to renounce to previous citizenship.

What is the golden visa for Costa Rica? ›

Costa Rica Golden Visa PROGRAMme

Costa Rica does not offer a direct Citizenship by Investment programme. However through the Costa Rica Golden Visa programme, after three years of residency, investors can apply for permanent residency, with the condition of spending at least 183 days a year in the country.

How long can a US citizen live in Costa Rica? ›

(Either to return to your country or to go to another country). US passport must be valid for a minimum of one day from the day you enter Costa Rica. As a tourist US nationals cannot stay more than 180 days. For a stay longer than 180 days a residence permit must be established.

Can a US citizen become a citizen of Costa Rica? ›

After 7 years living legally with a temporary or permanent residency visa, a foreigner may apply for citizenship by naturalization. Citizenship by naturalization gives the right to obtain the Costa Rican passport.

Can a US citizen get citizenship in Costa Rica? ›

Foreign citizens who relocate to Costa Rica have several options when it comes to remaining here. They can start with temporary residence permits followed by permanent residency if they stay here for at least 3 years. After 7 years they become eligible for citizenship in Costa Rica.

How long can a US citizen stay in Costa Rica? ›

(Either to return to your country or to go to another country). US passport must be valid for a minimum of one day from the day you enter Costa Rica. As a tourist US nationals cannot stay more than 180 days. For a stay longer than 180 days a residence permit must be established.

What is the fastest way to become a permanent resident? ›

5 Fastest Ways to Gain US Permanent Residency
  1. Investor Green Card. Estimated time: 2.5 years to 5 years. ...
  2. Family-Based Green Card. Estimated time: 1 year to 15 years. ...
  3. Marriage-Based Green Card. Estimated time: 9-14 months. ...
  4. Extraordinary Ability Green Card. Estimated time: 8 months to 2 years. ...
  5. Company Transfer Green Card.
Jan 17, 2023

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