Bristol Herald Courier from Bristol, Tennessee (2024)


C. CARICO I 17: Team NC). 1Hickory Tree, 7:30 p. m. Team No.

2Wyndale, 7:30 Team No. View, 2:30 p. m. Team No. 5Jacob's Creek.

2:30 p. Gospel Tabernacle, 7:30 p. and Beech Grove, 730 p. m. Team No.

5 conducted a service at the Gospel Tabernacle Thursday evening. CILLY SUNDAY CLUB PROGRAM ANNOUNCED The following program was announced yesterday for the weekly meeting of the Billy Sunday Club at the Y. M. C. A.

at 6 p. m. tomorrow: 1 Leader, S. K. Mercer; song, by the club; prayer, J.

H. Mum-power; Scripture reading, Mrs. Paul Handy; reports and short talks; special song; R. C. Lambert.

Assignments for Sunday, Feb. D) (-A 4i, pi 11 3 4 4 41 ALE JACKSON. Feb. 15. (AP)Gun-bearing citizens led by sheriff's officers routed pickets at the gates of two famous gold mines here today and then completed the destruction of a strikers'-'camp which in the meantime had been mysteriously set ablaze.

COEBURN, Feb. 15. Mrs. C. C.

Carla), 68, died Sunday evening at her, home in South Coeburn. She is survived by her husband, C. C. Carico, two daughters, Mrs. Emmett Yeary and Mrs.

Lucy Stallard, and one son, Logan Carle, all of Coeburn': In addition, there are three half-brothers, two sisters, and eight grandchildren surviving her. Funeral services were conducted Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the South Coeburn Methodist Church by the Reverend W. B. Peck, assisted by the Reverend O. Logan, pastor of the Pocahontas Methodist Church.

Interment was made in Buchanan cemetery. THIS WEEK AND NEXT Each Year A P. renews its pledge to continue i Founder's principal of low prices. Walsh. Interment was in Glencoe Mrs.

MCI'S Was born in Clinton Ky. December 1, MO. Her father died in her early childhood and she was reared by her maternal grandparents, Dennis and Sally Hopkins. When she was 19 years old she was married to John Floyd Marrs of Tazewell county, Va. To this union was born four children, one of whom died in early childhood.

Surviving are the follow I children: George R. Marrs of Big Stone Gap, with whom she had made her home since the death of her husband 46 years ago; Mrs. Minnie E. Brown of Kingsport, and Mrs. C.

L. Potter of Cowpens, S. C. Fifteen grand children and 13 great-grandchildren also survive. Her grandsons, John Marrs, Maxwell Marrs, Walter Marr Keith.

Marrs, Walter Nickels and John -W. Legge, served as active pall bearers. About 120 'pickets, participants In, labor troubles which had vir Lb. 1 9 can RICH-MAID POWDER RICH-MAID BAKING POWDER BRER RABBIT MOLASSES 1 Lb. 2 Can 3c Green No.l Label Can W.

IL MULLINS Special To The Herald Courier JENKINS, Feb. 15.W. Mullins, 45, of, Mayking, died yesterday in a Jenkins hospital His 1 widow and several children' urvive. tually paralyzed Jackson's only industry for five months, scattered before the "army" of 200 or more The armed citizens ihen moved on to Amador City nearby. Finding no pickets there they returned to Kennedy Flat, site of the strikers' Picket headquarters, consisting of a large tent, already.

was burning. Officers were reticent but indicated the headquarters had been fired during the night by "vigilantes." The sheriff's "army" then went into 'action again. Stoves, chairs. tables, boxeseverything that had been collected by pickets in the vicinitywere thrown into the blazing ruins of strike SUNNYVELD CREAMERY Quartered Prints Lb. BUTTER ..011 COO V11 1 1 -ss i' 111N-1.

1t1 ft sittlITNS esound. It tuv Uol'14' IIICIS WI v'-- 4, COldS. tet cealdaSt VI tO TesiS SI'littll ed a VISI2hOleS11at SOC1 Uell5S tat 10C4 7-- a etteri0 gs- lou. the 11 otbitlesecuitbeit.tbei. ttectssia lot 111 CUT.

FROM 38.c r. t. WELL KNOWN COLORED WOMANI BURIED HERE 'LAB '73 Bottle 't-71 .441 130 LANDON O. ST. JOHN Funeral services for Landon Carter St, John, 23-year-old V.

P. cadet -who died early Wednesday morning at Blacksburg. were held at McNeil Funeral Home in this city. at 10:30 a. m.

yesterday. 4 The Rev. Donald McIver conducted the rites. Songs sung were In the Garden" and "Goodnight and Good Morning," by Mrs. Otis Saul and Mrs.

William S. Wiley. Mrs. Henry Roberts accompanied them. The flagdraped casket was accom-.

panied by an honor escort of cadets from V. P. I. Interment was in East Hill cemetery where his mother, the former Laura Carr St. John, was buried 17 years ago.

He is survived by his father, Charles H. St. John of Washington; his stepmother; tmto brothers, Robert St. John and David St. John; one half-brother, Harry C.

Branch of Radford one half-sister, the former Mary McGill Branch, who Is now married and living in Ohio, and the following aunts and uncles: Mrs. Carl. A. Jones, Mrs. Joe Thomas, Mrs.

Robert Love Taylor, Mrs. Steve Lester, J. Herbert Carr and David J. Carr. VIRGIL A.

STEWART ipelat To lqlse itraid Courier APPALACHIA, Feb. 15. Virgil Allen Stewart, 79, died at noon today at the home of his daughter, Mrs. W. W.

Minton of near East Stone Gap. 'Stewart was a native of Sc tt county but for 25 years ha been a prominent farmer of Wise county. Surviving are his widow. Letiticia Stewart, one daughter, Flora Belle Minton, and one son, Franklin Stewart of Whitesburg, Kentucky. Funeral services will be held at the home of Mrs.

Minton Saturday morning at 10 o'clock in charge of the Rev. W.B. Gallaway and the Rev. Silven Wilson. Interment will be in Mountain View cemetery.

MRS. SARAII J. MARRS To The Herold Courier BIG STONE GAP, Feb. 15. Funeral services for Mrs.

Sarah Jane-Marrs, 85, who died at her home here Saturday following a lingering illneSs, were conducted from the home here Tuesday afternoOn at 2:30 o'clock by. the Rev. assisted by tbe Rev. VIRGIL A. STEWART Pm- Tz' WHOLE MILK 11)- 1 0: CliEESE Lb.

unie de, R. I- I ".0 1 QVALITY MEATS Funeral services for Mrs. Margaret Swann, well known colored woman who died Monday in Detroit, following a lengthy illness, will be conducted from the John Wesley M. E. church on Lee M.

on Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. with the Rev. E. H. Forrest in charge.

Active pall bearers will be: Ellis Higgins, Hobart Shand, Thomas Carter, Walter Franklin, William Patton and Arthur Henderson. Honorary pall bearers will be: John Ball, Flem Hollins, Reese Savage, Timothy, Graves, C. H. Brown, Dr. IL K.

Harrison, C. R. Green, Charles Akers and Jellies Coffey. The following will serve as flower bearers: Mrs. Trula Henderson, Mrs.

Alberta Higgins, Mrs. Marie Shand, Mrs. Lucille Carter, Miss Jeanette Wilson, Mrs. Jerome Patton, Mrs. Mary Akers, Mrs.

M. C. Brown and Mrs. Cara L. Hogan.

3 FL: sr 25c Prune, MEDIUM SIZE Any 1 Cut, Lb. I I Flat Rib 0 lb. 0 15c CALIFORNIA 2 For LARGE READS Lettuce Pork. Added ge Lbs. 25c -) Beef Steak Beef Roast Meat Loaf Sausage Oysters Sliced Icing Mickerel I'vlacaroni QUANIt 2 pkgs.

136 Lb. 18c Qt. 49c Lb. 20c VIRGINIA 3 'Cans 25c TQmatoes IIAND PACKED -BLEVINS'. FUNERAL HOME ul Moore Streel Phone 1299 1111m OC' Florida, Basket NORTON IS VISITED I3Y KIWANIS OFFICERS JENNIE YONCE JOHNSON AEtINGDON, Feb.

15. Funeral services for Yonce Johnson, 81, who died at the home of 11., C. Hopp near here, late today, will beheld at the Bopp home tomorrow at a. with the Rev. J.

G.s.Patton and David E. Bobbitt in charge. Pallbearers will be: Robert Gray, Wiley Richards, Lewis Woolwine Edwin Craig, Sam Smith and Henry Dutton. Flower bearers will be selected from friends and neighbors. The deceased was a life long DEL MONTE PEACHES 3 50c Cans 2 io, 13 Grapefruit 3 10 Beatis VrTet 2 251 Ca- Soap may revdated SA LE! Bacon Hickory, LI; 32c Meat Loaf Tasty Lb.

121c Por oast Shoulder, 9 er, lb 1c Beef Roast Lb. 12W2 11 (Sliced or Halves) Navy Beans 4 17c LADES Moo. 14? ANN PAGE SOURPITTED Cherries No. 2 Can 17c Fit -ALL Doubis Edge Razors thoontotiongl? Glomming CIFFWEICICARCI -4'254rita- Special io The Herald Courier NORTON, Feb. G.

Peery, lieutenant governor of the third division, capital district, Kiwanis, and Asa Howard, secretary, paid an official visit to the Norton club Tuesday, saw one of the busiest little clubs in action, four new members introduced, conferred with officers and committee chairmen in the early afternoon, visited the Coeburn Business Men's Club in the evening, urging that club it renew its Kiwanis charter, and Wednesday -went on to Big Stone Gap for an official visit to that club. New members introduced were Dr. Willard Cardwell, C. W. "Red" Counts and W.

M. Wray, with Mayor Charlie Fuller present, and Introduced as a new member "in the making." Frank Kitts was present for re-instatement. Dr. C. C.

Fisher, Stallard and Dr. J. W. Rowe were visitors. AKAREi FUNERAL HOME Ambulance Service FRENCH'S Mustard ANN PAGE Preserves edtsito: ne I ifrd IA.

NT AN A 2 Jars 25c Ncmc la, yA. UMW 254 PIC ,5, EcutA 16 oz. 19c Jar AMERICA'S FOREMOST QUALITY BLADES EIGHT O'CLOCK Coffee vl IONA Cocoa Attaundul 'Lb. 19c 10c I lb. Can ri SUN DINE 0, ircTOr.

11 IVJ our fo tt ORANGE Juice .40 Cans. tI odlibtaa. 411111d Sunbrite Cleanser 3 Pkgs 13c 0 THA-13S No 50RPRISE To ME I AN N. VASA 1 GION DIDN'T LooK LIKE, A Dummy. I'M BETTING- IF HE AND MARTHA LivED IN TN'S TOWN TODAY THEY'D sE sTEADy CUSTOMERS OF 1,,, 4 1 ''IIi HERE'S A MACTPCZ I Na LE THAT SAYS GEORC7E WASH WAS A VERY 172 Waldorf T.

Tissue Kewpie Tissue Super Suds Palmolive Soap Bab 4 Rom 19c Roll 5c 1 1,45. 25c 2 Cakes 9c 2 ca. 23c 2 Cans 21c Ncaon. 1 5 Oxol Red Seal Lye lona Beans Chum Salmon 4IttS YOUNG MINER INJURED WHEN SLATE FALLS HERALD, Forrest, yoUng man employed at the Sexton mine of the Virginia Iron- Coal and co*ke Company's colliery at Toms Creek, was seriously and probably fatally injured Tuesday afternoon when a heavy slate fall caught him while pulling timbers in a section of the mine. The injured man was rushed to the Toms Creek hospital where doctors said his life was a stiff gamble with the cards stacked against him.

A few years ago a brother-in-law of Forrest's suffered a broken back in an accident at this same mine, but has recovered until he now gets about on crutches. Only a tew serious accidents have occurred in recent years at the Toms Creek mines. Carl Forrest is married and has a family living at Toms Creek. ill Tall 10 Can a VNino IKLE) I'll, tam ANN PAGE OR QUAKER MAID '4 A 10-Pc. Foundation 5 with every $5.00 spent wih us for, Groceries apd Beautiful High-Grade CHINA Three Patterns to choose from.

Every Piece guaranteed! 2 14 oz. 25c Bottle KETCHUP Meats. Meats. S. I FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Grocery Specials for Friday and Saturday Head al I Qt.

23c COAL PRODUCTION HIGH Spettial Te The Herald Courier JENKINS, Feb. 15.Coal production in the Elkhorn coal field continued high despite delays caused by a power line break. Libby's Tomato Juice 3 Cant 25c 19c 10c 15c 35c 15c 14c Cauliflower Sweet Potatoes Irish Potatoes' Florida Oranges Yellow Globe Onions New Cabbage 2 for 15c I Quaker Macaroni Creamery Butter 3 Lbs. 1 0 Lbs. 1 0 Lbs.

4 4 Lbs. Air. 4o Lb: resident of Abingdon. She by two nieces. Interment will take place In Sinking Spring cemetery, Qt.

42c Fresh Strawberries HEAD BUNCH Lettuce or Carrots Wesson Oil Peas 8c Carrots Libby's Pineapple Stokelys Sweet Corn 'Sugar in Elm In I 1 Cloth Bag Can PC Sliced 491 Large Can LAJC 23c LIBBYS Hambulrger Steak 10c Chips Fresh 1 Ground lb. I 3 Small 'IA 0 Can 15c CORNED BEEF HASH WALTER LEE SiARRETT Walter Lee "Curl" Sharrett, 41, died of pneumonia last night at his home on Norfolk avenue. He had been 111 only a few days. He is survived by his widow, Ruby Stuart Sharrett, and by three children, Ben, Walter and Virginia Sharrett. Funeral arrangements will be Announced later.

The deceased wds well known in Bristol and surrounding territory, and his many friends were shocked when informed of his death. 3 I .1 (1)4 11714D vl 1 THE GREAVATLANTIC et PACIFIC CO FREE DELIVERY SERVICE CREDIT SERVICE I AT NO EXTRA COST I Above Pricu Eff ective in Bristol I I 1 4i 4.

Bristol Herald Courier from Bristol, Tennessee (2024)
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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.